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Comment that was good management! (Score 1) 254

What is scary (or at least very sad) today is that very probably no manager would let a few brilliant programmers to develop their own system during a couple of years: in academia, publishing is much more important that working on a big software system, and in industrial R&D, one could no more work for a couple of years on a brand new software.

Current managers would look with scare at their spreadsheet and would not let that kind of things happen anymore in 2009, and I still think it is really a pity, and we could get some really innovative systems if R&D was managed differently today.

Comment Re:I prefer (Score 1) 210

J.Pitrat does know (as I do) Godel's theorem, and did wrote some interesting pages on the relation between Godel's theorem and his view of AI.

J.Pitrat also explains how his CAIA system is in practice able to detect most of the looping situations, when it is stuck.


Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 210

If I understood correctly, the Slashdot editor is probably Bob Roberts.

He explained me that Amazon is a partner, and that he had to link to their site. I do understand that (obviously, Slashdot have some business model).

I still think the biggest mistake is at Amazon. I suggested Bob to double check the link in further submission.

I do hope that, even we that mistake, some people would read J.Pitrat's book. I really think it has interesting and provocative ideas (especially about AI and software).


Comment Re:WTF (Score 2, Informative) 210

The book is indeed titled Artificial Beings - The conscience of a conscious machine and the review I submitted had this correct title.

But more than two months ago (before the book was available), Amazon had the wrong title in its database, and sadly did not change its title.

The review I have submitted also did have the correct link also to ISTE publisher - who collaborate with Wiley.

For reference, Google did cache my submission here

Apparently the nice guy who approved my submission changed the URL to what Amazon incorrectly kept, probably because Amazon is the more usual book seller.

Neither he nor me can be blamed of the errors in Amazon's database.



Submission + - Artificial Beings (conscious machine) (

basiles writes: "Jacques Pitrat's newly published book Artificial Beings — The conscience of a conscious machine (ISBN: 97818482211018, Wiley, March 2009) should interest many Slashdot readers, interested in robotics, software, artificial intelligence, cognitive science (and also ethics and science-fiction).

Almost all of this book (except the appendixes) can be read by readers interested about artificial consciousness and artificial intelligence, robotics, cognition, (even without any expertise on software or artificial intelligence). In particular, I believe that people who enjoyed reading Dennet's or Hofstadter's books (like the famous "Godel Escher Bach...." should like reading this J.Pitrat's latest book.

The author J.Pitrat (one of the French oldest AI researcher, also AAAI and ECCAI fellow) discuss about the usefulness and implementation of a conscious artificial being (currently specialized in solving cleverly very general constraint satisfaction or arithmetic problems) and describes in some details his implemented system CAIA (an artificial researcher in artificial intelligence), on which he is working for about 20 years.

J.Pitrat is claiming that strong AI is an incredibly difficult, but still possible, goal and task, and is advocating the use of some bootstrapping techniques (common for software developers) is mandatory to achieve it, notably thru conscious, reflective, meta-knowledge based systems. Only AI systems could build AI! But J.Pitrat view on AI is quite unusual and challenging.

The meanings of Conscience and Consciousness is discussed (in chapter 2), and the author explains why it is useful for human and for artificial beings. The, Pitrat explains what does "Itself" means for an artificial being (in chapter 3), and discusses some aspects and some limitations of consciousness (in chapter 4). Why is auto-observation useful (chapter 5), and how to observer oneself (chapter 6) is then explained. Conscience for humans, artificial beings or robots, including Asimov's laws, is then discussed (chapter 7), and how to implement it (chapter 8), and enhance or change it (chapter 9). A last chapter discuss the future of CAIA (J.PItrat's system) and two appendixes give more scientific or technical details (both from a mathematical point of view, and from the software implementation point of view).

J.Pitrat is not a native english speaker (and neither am I), so the language of the book might be unnatural to native English speakers.

For software developers, this book give some interesting and original insights about how can a big software system be conscious, and continuously improve itself by experimentation and introspection. J.Pitrat's CAIA system actually had several long lifes (months of CPU time) during which it (the CAIA system) explored new ideas, experimented new strategies, evaluated and improved its own performance, all this autonomously. This is done by a large amount of declarative knowledge and meta-knowledge: the declarative word is used by J.Pitrat in a much broader way than its meaning about programming languages: a knowledge is declarative if it can be used in many different ways, hence has to be transformed to many procedural chunks to be used. Meta-knowledge is knowledge about knowledge, and the transformation from declarative knowledge to procedural chunks is given declaratively by some meta-knowledge (a bit similar to the expertise of a software developer), and translated by itself into code chunks.

For people interested in robotics, ethics or science fiction, J.Pitrat's book give interesting food for thought by explaining how indeed artificial systems can be conscious, and why they should be, and what that would mean in the future!

This book gives very provocative and original ideas which are not shared by most of the artificial intelligence or software research communities. The interesting side of the book is to explain an actual software system, and the implementation meaning of consciousness, the bootstrapping approach used to build such a system, etc...

Disclaimer: I do know Jacques Pitrat, and I actually proofread-ed the draft of this book. I even had access some years ago to J.Pitrat's software, which is not (yet!) published."


Submission + - Book "Artificial Beings - ... conscious machi (

basiles writes: "Jacques Pitrat's newly published book Artificial Beings — The conscience of a conscious machine (ISBN: 97818482211018) should interest many slashdot readers, interested in robotics, software, artificial intelligence, cognitive science (and also ethics and science-fiction).

Almost all of this book (except the appendixes) can be read by readers interested about artificial consciousness and artificial intelligence. In particular, I believe that people who enjoyed reading Dennet's or Hofstadter's books (like the famous "Godel Escher Bach...." should like reading this J.Pitrat's latest book.

The author (one of the French oldest AI researcher, also AAAI and ECCAI fellow) discuss about the usefulness and implementation of a conscious artificial being (currently specialized in solving cleverly very general constraint satisfaction or arithmetic problems) and describes in some details his implemented system CAIA (an artificial researcher in artificial intelligence)

J.Pitrat is claiming that strong AI is an incredibly difficult, but still possible, goal and task, and is advocating the use of some bootstrapping techniques (common for software developers) is mandatory to achieve it, notably thru conscious, reflective, meta-knowledge based systems. Only AI systems could build AI! But J.Pitrat view on AI is quite unusual...

The meanings of Conscience and Consciousness is discussed (in chapter 2), and the author explains why it is useful for human and for artificial beings. The, Pitrat explains what does "Itself" means for an artificial being (in chapter 3), and discusses some aspects and some limitations of consciousness (in chapter 4). Why is auto-observation useful (chapter 5), and how to observer oneself (chapter 6) is then explained. Conscience for humans, artificial beings or robots, including Asimov's laws, is then discussed (chapter 7), and how to implement it (chapter 8), and enhance or change it (chapter 9).

A last chapter discuss the future of CAIA (J.PItrat's system) and two appendixes give more scientific or technical details (both from a mathematical point of view, and from the software implementation point of view).

J.Pitrat is not a native english speaker (and neither am I), so the language of the book might be unnatural to native English speakers.

Disclaimer: I do know Jacques Pitrat, and I actually proofread-ed the draft of this book."

Comment perhaps POESIA? (Score 1) 678

I used to work on POESIA several times ago (I actually even initiated it as an R&D project). It is opensource (GPL). I don't work on it anymore, and I don't know if there is still some usable code. But one could try and more importantly My youngest child is 12 years old. I believe the most important filter is to have him surf the web in the living room. (He sometimes uses a netbook, but I disabled the wifi & ethernet)

Comment Re:Sadly, "thanks" is all those programmers will g (Score 1) 368

This is not exactly true. The usual way to help open source software is to help on its development.

The French public sector (much bigger in proportion than the US one) did contribute significantly to opensource software (for example, the first linux thread library and Ocaml has both been written by a French public sector researcher, Xavier Leroy, and you'll find thousands of other cases, like Frama-C.).

Also, French government did issue several contracts (outside of Gendarmerie) to support opensource software, and did pay development of significant applications. My perception is that the French government is supportive to open-source.

At last, French private sector is increasingly contributing to opensource projects (for example Penjili at EADS or Airbus).

Unfortunately, several French government sites are using proprieray (non-standard) technologies (like Flash at Assemblée Nationale - the lower Parlement Chamber).

The French non-profit APRIL association is quite powerful at lobbying for free software.

Comment Re:Mandriva snubbed? (Score 5, Informative) 368

First, a small precision: The Gendarmerie Nationale is not exactly the French national police (called Police Nationale in French), but an armed force (the fourth french armed force, after infantery Armée de Terre, navy = Marine Nationale, air force = Armée de l'Air). The small difference between Gendarmerie & Police is that Gendarmerie members are exactly soldiers (with strict military discipline).

In practice, Gendarmerie tend to work in rural or semi-rural areas, while Police tend to work in urban zones (actually, there exist some kind of competition between Gendarmerie and Police, which gives interesting french thriller films and books) And they have different legal abilities. For example, in some limited cases, a Gendarme can legally shoot his gun first, while in principle a Policier (policeman) can use his gun (policemen and gendarmes are armed with guns) only for self defense (but IANAL so I may be wrong).

Gendarmerie is centralized and military, so it was easy to order them to switch at once to Linux [no training needed; just an official order from a high-rank official]. And I hear their IT department was strong enough to customize (without subcontractors) some Ubuntu distribution to the exact needs of Gendarmerie (which includes access to some peculiar databases). This could be an explanation of why Gendarmerie did not need any support from Mandriva.

But Mandriva still has several French state contracts, including even research contracts on collaborative projects.

Disclaimer: I do work sometimes with Mandriva on collaborative research projects (such as GGCC).

Comment GCC 4 & linux 2.6 (Score 3, Informative) 178

I suggest both a GCC 4 compiler (probably gcc-4.2 or 4.3) and a Linux 2.6 kernel (perhaps at least 2.6.25) with a fairly recent (ie 2.6 or 2.7) GNU libc Indeed, all this perhaps uses a bit more RAM, but you'll have more RAM than before, and it bring a lot of important functionalities & improvements (including bug fixes). If you need a specialized HTTP server, consider GNU libmicrohttpd Regard & Happy New Year 2009
The Courts

RIAA May Be Violating a Court Order In California 339

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "In one of its 'ex parte' cases seeking the names and addresses of 'John Does,' this one targeting students at the University of Southern California, the RIAA obtained an order granting discovery — but with a wrinkle. The judge's order (PDF) specified that the information obtained could not be used for any purpose other than obtaining injunctions against the students. Apparently the RIAA lawyers have ignored, or failed to understand, that limitation, as an LA lawyer has reported that the RIAA is busy calling up the USC students and their families and demanding monetary settlements."

The Best Burglar Alarm In History 137

Sportsqs writes "When Nikola Tesla got creative with transformers and driver circuits at the turn of the 20th century he probably had no idea that others would have so much fun with his concepts over a hundred years later. One such guy is an Australian named Peter who runs a website called TeslaDownUnder, which showcases all his wacky Tesla ways, or rather electrickery, as Peter calls it." Very cool stuff, I wish I would have had something like this to protect my comic books from my little brother when I was a kid.

openSUSE Launches 11.1 173

Novell has unveiled their latest release to the openSUSE line with 11.1. Offering both updates and new features, Novell continues to push for more openness and transparency. The new release includes Linux kernel 2.6.27, Python 2.6, Mono 2.0, OpenOffice 3.0, and many others. "[...] Our choice was also influenced by impressive changes that are transpiring in the openSUSE community, which is growing rapidly and is also becoming more open, inclusive, and transparent. Last month, the project announced its first community-elected board, a major milestone in its advancement towards community empowerment. This is a very good openSUSE release and it delivers some very impressive enhancements. The distro has evolved tremendously in the past two releases and is becoming a very solid and usable option for regular users."

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