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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 15 declined, 2 accepted (17 total, 11.76% accepted)


Submission + - Best way to get back a stolen computer? 1

davidphogan74 writes: "I have some stolen computers checking in with a server we have (software pre-loaded), and I have full access to the systems. What's the best way to deal with this situation? The local police (to the theft) have been contacted (several times) and seem to be clueless. I personally have no financial interest in them, I just don't like atom-thieves. I'm not a total NARC, just don't steal shit and make someone's job worse. What's the best way to handle knowing the IP's, email addresses, MySpace sites, the Google login, etc when working with law enforcement? (Don't tell the thieves, but thanks Kaseya.) The officer I spoke with (who genuinely seemed to care) didn't know an IP address from a mailing address, so I called others. Nobody cared. Anyone have any ideas?"

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