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Comment Re:Wrong direction... (Score 1) 304

You must be doing it wrong. WORA is working perfectly for me and everyone I've met in the field at the various companies I've worked for in the past 15 years. Usually it is written and tested on Windows boxes, and deployed on Linux, already at my most recent job it is developed on Linux and deployed on Solaris.

Comment Re:Here's A Real Programming Language, Boy (Score 1) 304

It's not all that bad these days.

Garbage collection will only pause for user noticeable times when running huge memory sets (think gigabytes). Some care must be taken not to overdo the creation of garbage -- ie, throwing away a full frame of HD video as garbage at 24fps can create 100's of MB's of garbage per second. Even under those loads it is possible with some tuning to get a smooth experience though.

Objects these days can be allocated on the stack if the compiler determines it doesn't escape the method it was created in (escape analysis).

As to your other points, I don't see any of them as down-sides, they are minor issues at best in properly written Java software. We're more worried about design and long term maintainability and compatibility.

Comment Re:No, it'll just be an OPTION (Score 1) 650

Go to 8:00 orso, and you can see it recognizing traffic lights, and positions of other vehicles. The self-driving cars have all the advantages -- better sensors, better reaction times, better knowledge of their own vehicle's capabilities and state, can be trained to drive under any condition and they will only get better at driving as time passes.

Comment Re:Rich people don't like to go slow? (Score 1) 650

Add running water the car, a make-up kit and/or shaver and I'll know what I'll be doing on my "daily" commute. If my car was an automatic, I'd be brushing my teeth, shaving, reading a good book, watching a video, reading the newspaper, whatever...

I'm sure that I can entertain myself for 10% longer when I don't have to deal with assholes on the road myself.

Comment Re:No, it'll just be an OPTION (Score 1) 650

They don't need to watch brake lights, they will notice the braking even if those lights are broken -- unlike humans. They will have sensors that can determine the locations of obstacles (which includes moving obstacles like other cars) and thus they can calculate their speed and acceleration.

As for spacing, these cars can react in a fraction of the time it takes a human to react. You could have them drive almost bumper to bumper (even with the car infront being a normal car) and they would never hit each other during braking/acceleration -- assuming the braking power is equal for all the cars.

I'm also sure that they will yield, and that they can switch lanes if the current lane is way below the speed limit (like a truck blocking it unloading stuff, or a farm vehicle driving on it). See some of the videos demonstrating Google's car... they show you what kind of information the car has (using lasers, radar, etc), how they classify obstacles, and how they deal with situations on cross-roads.

They can recognize traffic signs, traffic lights, distinguish pedestrians from static objects like a mailbox, etc.. recognizing a flashing direction indicator, or the car moving slightly towards the lane they want to go (which is how I often recognize people that want to switch lanes before they even indicate) should be easy in comparison.

Comment Re: swapless (Score 1) 218

Run without swap for a while, and you'll begin to understand what difference it makes. Every single app that is on your taskbar responds immediately, always, whether you used it 5 seconds ago or 3 days ago, it makes no difference.

Swap, while theoritically allowing optimal RAM use, depends heavily on the accuracy of its predictions of when I want to do something. Unfortunately, this prediction algorithm basically comes down to "swap stuff out that hasn't been used recently", which is piss-poor at predicting what I want to do next.

Since I have plenty of RAM, and donot want the system to cache:
- the 8 GB MKV file that I just watched
- the 100 GB of files that were processed in the overnight backup/virus scan
- the 20 GB of downloads/uploads that were done overnight ... I just restrict the system by not allowing swap at all since apparently it is too stupid to know that my mail program/browser/etc can be used at ANY time and that I have very little patience waiting for it to be swapped back.

Comment Re:One caveat. (Score 3, Insightful) 341

It's unfortunate it does not also say that these scripts should be fire-and-forget. Compiling some of the more complicated "GPL" projects is an exercise in frustration, requiring anything from specific OS versions, specific versions of build tools (that are no longer in repositories) and of course whining to the developers enough until they give in and tell you what is missing from their wiki compile-it-yourself page.

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