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Comment Re:No kidding... (Score 1) 709

in some demographics it's much better, and in others much worse

I like the use of "demographics" here. It is spot on. Comments like this are not about about race, they is* about culture, and some cultures suck.

discuss various cultures among yourselves...

* yeah, I did that on purpose, whose has racist thinking now?

Comment Re:1 2 3 4 5, Yup (Score 4, Informative) 91

1 San Jose, CA(Silicon Valley)
2 San Francisco / San Mateo, CA
3 Washington, DC Region
4 Boston / Cambridge, MA
5 Raleigh / Durham /Chapel Hill, NC
6 Seattle, WA
7 Austin, TX
8 Denver / Boulder, CO
9 San Diego, CA
10 Madison, WI
11 Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN
12 Baltimore, MD
13 Oakland / East Bay, CA
14 Portland, OR
15 New York City, NY
16 Chicago, IL
17 Atlanta, GA
18 Los Angeles, CA
19 Columbus, OH
20 Orange County, CA
21 Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX
22 Kansas City, MO
23 Indianapolis, IN
24 Salt Lake City, UT
25 Nashville, TN

Comment Send it back to Tesla... (Score 1) 125

On a drive from Texas to California, two weeks ago, I saw a truck, painted with Tesla logos and Arizona plates, driving west on I40, in New Mexico.

I thought, shit, must suck to have a Tesla in NM that can't even be fixed without shipping it to the next state over... but since the truck pulling it was a Tesla truck (Ford or Chevy pick-up, I think) I figured it was a warranty repair at least. There was no visible damage on the car.

Comment "devistating climate risk" (Score 0) 247

So, what else is new, things change period. There is not a zero % chance that human influenced global warming is good thing... hot weather and rising oceans are more survivable than 2 miles of ice over your head. On the other hand, if technological humans can survive the next ice age, the reduction in population might be a good thing.

Of course a reduction in population due to it being too hot could be good in the long run too.

To hedge your bets, make sure the data-center that hosts your singularity server is not too far north, not too close to sea-level, and not too close to large masses of people likely to loot in times of crisis.

Comment Re:Multiple logins allowed with Netflix (Score 2) 71

Exactly - I pay extra for the 4 simultaneous stream option, explicitly so that my wife and I can share the subscription with our two children. (When Netflix cracked down a couple of years ago, it was not uncommon, on a Friday night for my wife and I to get blocked out of our own connection with two college [aka broke] kids using the service, so I said "ya got me, Netflix", here's your extra bucks...)

It doesn't make sense for our "3 households" (Kids live elsewhere) to each pay the base two-stream service fee, when for a couple of dollars more, I can "share" my account with my kids.

Same goes for the cell phones - why should they each pay $50+ for a plan, when I can add them for $10 each? (yes, I charge them. TNSTAAFL.)

Comment Trick question (Score 1) 221

It asks which would you give up. I already avoid both Apple and Facebook products (gave up using Whatsapp when FB bought them), so I wouldn't be giving up that which I don't use...

Of the other 3, I use them everyday, both personally and professionally (Well, not Amazon, for work.)

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