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Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 113

Name one current UK Minister who isn't a fuckwit. They've turned the whole thing into amateur hour with badly thought-out campaigns and policies. While everybody else seems to be equally incompetent they do at least seem to be afflicted by something with the semblance of a concsience.

The current administration should spend less time worrying about brown people and Bulgarians(read: lose votes to UKIP) and do their fucking jobs. The latest embarrassment was David Cameron turning up at Nelson Mandela's funeral. While Mandela was one of the forgiving sort, Cameron was the one who visited SA to support them against those totally unjustified and unfair anti-Apartheit sanctions.

Could we please put the whole bally lot out to pasture and not worry about bedroom taxes anymore? The rest of Europe is currently wondering why we should actually put up with UK shenanigans anymore. They've become more trouble than the French.

Comment Re:Offensive (Score 2) 1251

Well, I also believe none of those 10 commandment sponsors are christians to that extent they profess to without a certain amount of bigotry going on.
Thankfully and rightfully so that isn't for the courts nor the state to decide. All the courts can do in this case is either embarrass themselves or pronounce both monuments equally (il)legal. Anything else would require mental gymnastics and would raise some very serious question about the status of religion in the US.

Perhaps they should salomonically rename the existing monument to "Some Commandments(except the silly ones) and Nyan Cat". A new plaque, a rededication ceremony, everyone equally confused and all that for five bob. Sounds reasonable.

Comment Re:As a Discordian Pope (Score 2) 1251

As a Discordian Pope, I don't care what monuments they put up only that there are five of them, and I'd kinda like one to be a cabbage but am flexible on that.

And as a Discordian Pope I would have to insist that there is a hotdog stand next to it and that they sell hotdogs on Friday. My co-popes are bored on Fridays and they need an occupation. So they will stand right next to the Discordian Hotdog Stand and berate not to eat buns on Fridays and so the Great Snub shall be eternal. The POEE approves of my plan by issuing forth notes of disgust.

Comment Re:Nah, people here... (Score 1) 1251

Aleister Crowley was a dopey tryhard. But I do approve of an image of him jerking off to Thelema with Buddy Christ standing next to him approving of everything. What would also make sense would be monkeys who meticulously scrape "kallisti" into their poo right before they fling it at passers-by.
We really should do this. And I already have a name for this new triptych. I would call it "To Religion". It makes prefect sense on so many levels it's gotta be art. Amirite?

Comment Re:Methodolgical Naturalism (Score 2) 1251

It seems to me that equal billing for Methodolgical Naturalists should be enabled as well. Since so many theists etc. argue that science is also a faith, then we should be allowed a monument.

Perhaps to Thales of Io.

I would erect an uncensored homage to mankind next to that monument. And you should take the word "erect" under advisement.

Comment Re:Offensive (Score 1) 1251

There are a lot of Hindus who would like to erect shrines to their couple of tens of thousands of gods right next to yours.
Space may become an issue but faith overcomes all.

I might be even able to round up a couple of Buddhists to join in with their demands. But they are mostly awefully nice people and there is a statistical chance the Hindus already have that one covered. Which might also be true for Lord Jeebus, Mohammed, Moses and Geoff the God of Biscuits.

Those nutters who allowed that religious monument on public space can't have it both ways. Geoff will not be denied!

Comment Re:couldnt agree more (Score 1) 343

I found people who studied philosophy make very good project managers and decision-makers. Must have something to do with reading about all those different approaches and methodologies to solve those dilemmas or indeed know when they are propably not solvable. MBAs simply apply the models they don't understand and hunt for KPIs to optimize without even thinking what they try to achieve, if this is the right way to do it and lacking an appropriate metric to measure the rate of their failure.

They tend to have very strong opinions and very weak understanding of the systems they try to administrate.

Comment Re:bribery (Score 1) 294

Believe me, whatever Munich does stays in Munich. It will not be adopted by the Bavarian gov since even if they are seated in Munich they hate the city administration with a passion. Opposing parties. OTOH the mayor of Munich ran for office in Bavaria and failed as he was expected to. And even if Bavaria adopted LiMUX it wouldn't be used on a German federal level. But this time not because of opposing parties. It's something even worse: sister parties.

Ain't highly federal gov structures a hilarious thing? Honestly, who needs imported sitcoms if you have politics.

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