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Comment Re:rfc 1178: Choosing a Name for Your Computer (Score 1) 1397

That all validates my scheme of naming machines after names from translations of Tolkien ... besides it makes an interesting exercise in searching the web (how do you Google for a translation of a name in a book? There are some lists which help... and inter-lingual wikipedia links), so:
  • kulma (Finnish for Egladil)
  • kontu (Finnish for Shire)
  • klofta (Norwegian for Combe, outside Bree)
  • megye (Hungarian for Shire)
  • breeg (Dutch for Bree)

Comment Re:Extreme forceful asphyxiation (Score 1) 223

However fortunately our blood is all not exposed through our skin (otherwise we'd leak anyway). For example, putting your arm in a vacuum tank is unlikely to make it explode...

As far as I understand, the pressure is exerted on the lungs, which allow gas exchange with the blood through lots of tiny air sacs.

Comment Re:Extreme forceful asphyxiation (Score 1) 223

Holding your breath doesn't work; your lungs can't contain enough pressure to help. You'll just get a ruptured lung, which is a medical emergency even if you were in a hospital and not exposed to vacuum.

/me wonders about the corner case of being in a vacuum in space and being in a hospital, that happens to be floating around... would they be able to help you then? :-)

Comment Re:It's time for a foundation (Score 1) 676

A key issue is that for years now there have been debates about OpenOffice.org's source code being put under the control of a foundation with representatives from all major contributors, rather than Sun's corporate ownership. This would be the first step they need to take to allay the problems, but they've just put off doing it, which IMHO has decreased trust.

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