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Comment Moore's Law (Score 1) 144

The only reason that hardware is becoming less important is because it hasn't been improving fast enough. It used to be that everything was obsolete within 3 years, but now set hardware can function well for 5, and in the future, it's lifetime will extend further. If Moore's Law weren't dying, console hardware would remain important.

Comment Line in the Sand (Score 1) 59

Some may say this is an arbitrary line in the sand, or one that to inclusive, but it's admirable that they have the will to draw any line at all. If what Google and big tech companies promise comes true (i.e., general AI in the next 10-20 years), then this should be welcome news to anyone who wants to see AI help humankind and not hurt it.

Comment Re:Seriously (Score 1) 76

Learn to with AI as a marketing term, as opposed to a technical term. Under this definition, anything that performs human-like tasks is AI. No question this definition is broad, clumsy, and fails to capture various forms AI that are wildly different. That said, the term does not belong to the tech community anymore. It's part of the mainstream discourse.The word isn't defined by engineers, but by business people.

Comment Re:Curriculum (Score 1) 76

It does seem like Carnegie Mellon is jumping on the AI hype bandwagon, but they have such a good program that I would be interested in riding along too. No one graduating from Carnegie Mellon CS is dumb. They rightly or wrongly get extra leeway to try out unconventional areas of study. Can't see that as a bad thing.

Comment Re:Or maybe (Score 1) 32

He has realized how big a joke AI is in relation to the hype (which he largely helped to create) like many of us have, and he is just distancing himself from embarrassment and a bad investment like a coward instead of admitting he was wrong.

The only hype is that the "AI revolution" is coming in "5-10 years", when in reality it will probably be closer to 20 to 50 years, or possibly as long as 100 to 200 years. But regardless, there is no question it's coming. If evolution can create conscious beings from carefully positioned molecules, there's no reason to think that human's can't do it too.

Comment AI + Resume Analysis ... what could go wrong. (Score 1) 23

So now we have quasi AI-programs rating resumes. While the algorithms can't be blatantly biased, you can be sure that anyone with an @aol.com or @hotmail.com email account will be ranked lower than someone from a @gmail.com account. Is that a smart algorithm or just age discrimination by another name?

Submission + - NPR's Weak Interview on the Eve of the End of Net Neutrality (npr.org)

speedplane writes: Yes, we've all heard that net neutrality is on its way out, and it seems NPR was able to snag one of the few (the only?) interview's of Ajit Pai on its effect. Sadly, NPR's Rachel Martin stuck to very broad and basic questions, and failed to press Pai on the change of policy. That said, it's worth a listen.

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