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Comment Re:Eviction, for example (Score 1) 141

What are you offering me as an incentive, NADA

So you're admitting that if you can't get free money for nothing (since on my deal, you can deduct any costs to you and keep that money), you have no incentive to be a landlord. In other words, the only reason to be a landlord is as a way of extracting money out of people with less money than you.

That's great. So if we make rental arrangements more fair as I've described, fewer people will be landlords, voluntarily. That means they'll sell off their unused properties, which are no longer free passive income for them. But nobody else will be buying them as "investments" anymore, so the only people buying will be the people who actually need them to live in, i.e. people who would otherwise have been renting. So landlords as a class will have to sell at whatever the people who would otherwise have been their tenants can actually afford to purchase, even if that's at a loss, or else take a complete loss on their "investment" -- besides whatever free money they've already gotten from it.

So the cost of home ownership will come down to what people who need housing to live in can actually afford, i.e. the parasitic effect of people buying properties to rent out as a source of free money will be removed.

Mission accomplished.

Comment Re:Eviction, for example (Score 1) 141

How's this for a fair deal:

Tenant pays you a security deposit, and monthly rent while they live there, while you pay property tax, possibly mortgage, and maintenance, including maintenance work to return the place to the same condition they took it in after they move out.

Then after they move out, you tally up their deposit and rent payments, then subtract your property taxes, mortgage interest (not principal; you're getting a house in exchange for that money, it's not a cost to you), and all maintenance fees, including the move-out restoration process that negates all your issues above... basically subtract anything it costs you to be a landlord... and then return to the tenant the remaining amount of money.

And the burden of proof is on you to prove all of your deductions; without a court order to the contrary in lieu of tenant agreement to your receipts, failure to return 100% of their rent when they move out is considered theft.

That sounds like a much fairer deal than one where the tenant pays for housing for years and years on end, and ends up with no house to their name when it's all over, while you keep all of that money minus whatever comparatively small costs you're paying for upkeep, and use it to pay off your mortgage, so you got a free house out of the deal when it's all over. One that's now worth several times what you(r tenant) paid for it.

Comment Re:an antidote to religion? yes, please (Score 1) 233

You can do plenty of damage with an open hand

Tell me about it. Knifehand strike, ridgehand strike, spearhand strike, all done with an open hand. Compared to, what, a punch and a hammerfirst, which are all you can do with a fist? That's like 50% more strikes with an open hand!

Comment Re:Actually... (Score 3, Insightful) 233

Not surprising that people who benefit from the status quo would both be happier (they're benefiting) and more conservative (favoring the status quo).

Those who suffer under the status quo, on the other hand, could be expected to be both unhappy (they're suffering) and less conservative (against the status quo).

Comment Mental wellness correlates with correct opinions (Score 2) 233

It doesn't seem at all surprising that something that makes people mentally healthier could also cause them to re-evaluate opinions that they only ever had in the first place due to mental illness.

And I don't mean that in a pejorative sense of "you're crazy therefore everything you think is wrong", but e.g. someone who is in a lot of pain, or undergoing a lot of anxiety, or depression, fear, anger, generally being buried under the weight of unpleasantness and not in a clear open mental space, could easily make decisions that seem perfectly rational in light of those experiences, but would not seem to rational from a more neutral mind.

Conversely, if people were always manic or somehow in constant elation, I could see that leading to irrational recklessness and lack of appropriate caution, and so decisions, including political decisions, that are less well-founded.

If there was a magic pill to make everybody mentally healthy, calm and clear-minded, I have no doubt that political opinions would change dramatically.

I have my ideas of what direction they would change, because of course I think my political opinions are well-founded and those to the contrary are not, but the principle in use here doesn't hinge on what those opinions are. Just that if you are mentally well, rather than mentally ill, of course you're going to think better than you otherwise would.

Comment Re:History repeats (Score 1) 338

So when you quote an article that says Alpha wolves are the most likely to breed... well duh, that is re-inforcing the stereotype isn't it?

The point was that "alpha" wolves aren't those who "got" to breed, with the rest of the wolves in the pack the "losers" of some competition to "get to" breed. "Alpha" wolves are just the parents of the rest of the pack. The non-"alphas" are their children, not in breeding competition with them at all. When those children grow up and have children of their own, that new family group becomes a new pack, with the parents as its "alphas".

Comment Re: Let's see if I've got this right (Score 1) 338

Far too many people are not using the entirety of their mental capacities.

I see this stuff for the obvious bullshit that it is, but apparently most of my family, including my parents, constantly fall for it. They're my parents so they should have mental capacities comparable to mine, but somehow they don't see through the obvious bullshit. I fear the possibility (made more plausible by the rise of Trumpers) that they represent the average American.

Comment Re:Someone tell us all... (Score 4, Informative) 338

QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory. It alleges that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against President Donald Trump, who is battling against the cabal. The theory also commonly asserts that Trump is planning a day of reckoning known as "The Storm", when thousands of members of the cabal will be arrested. No part of the theory is based on fact.

Although preceded by similar viral conspiracy theories such as Pizzagate, the theory proper began with an October 2017 post on the anonymous imageboard 4chan by "Q", who was presumably a single American individual. It is now likely 'Q' has become a group of people. Q claimed to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. NBC News found that three people took the original Q post and expanded it across multiple media platforms to build internet followings for profit. QAnon was preceded by several similar anonymous 4chan posters, such as FBIAnon, HLIAnon (High-Level Insider), CIAAnon, and WH Insider Anon.

Q has accused many liberal Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and high-ranking officials of being members of the cabal. Q also claimed that Trump feigned conspiracy with Russians to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the sex-trafficking ring and preventing a coup d'état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros. "Q" is a reference to the Q clearance used by the U.S. Department of Energy.

quoth Wikipedia

Comment Re:Cause and effect (Score 1) 270

In California, we have a deliberate pipeline, created by the government, to benefit Real Estate "investors" that is causing and perpetuating the entire homeless crisis.

Can you elaborate more on what that pipeline is? Speaking as a fellow Californian long concerned with the impossibility of home-ownership.

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