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Comment Re:Package Tools are the worse (Score 1) 176

You just described something not unique to Debian, but related to any complex technology in any field. If you read a study about genetic research and want to know more about it and start pursuing things, you will find a lot of 'rabbit holes' related to many no doubt extremely complex topics that all related in one way or another to the subject matter.
If you start working with a modern web framework technology and haven't studied computer science formally and especially a lot of newer developments, you will find a ton of 'rabbit holes' because there are all kinds of components, tools, modules, etc. being used, all depending on other tool, components, etc.
Even for someone who has studied computer science formally, studying a new technology can be daunting because we live in a world that is increasingly very complex and very specialized. People devote their entire careers to very specialized areas that are difficult to even describe to most people.
I think this is all just a part of the way things are in the world and they are only going to continue to increase in complexity.
That said, I don't think the Debian packaging system is particularly complex. It is actually extremely well-designed and robust and there is continuous development going on.

Comment Re:Package Tools are the worse (Score 2) 176

True, and contrary to quite a few other posts here, there is a lot of activity and updating/modernization going on. For example: Debian Continuous Integration which is only a few years old.

I think the disgruntled maintainer should consider running for the Debian Project Leader position which is open right now and advocate for changes he wants.

Comment Wow, what an idea (Score 1) 136

What? Elect public officials with technical competence and aptitude over idiot dumbasses whose only major skill is to run a successful mass-marketing campaign?

The level of technological and scientific incompetence in public officials up to and including high offices is frankly embarrassing and at the same time catastrophic in terms of actual consequences.

Comment Two Words: Illegal Immigration (Score -1, Troll) 314

In an area where probably 1/3 of the residents are illegal aliens, how is this not discussed as being a factor?

In addition, there is out-of-control chain migration. Chain migration is a policy that needs to end. It's completely unsustainable.

Large parts of the United States no longer feel like America. No one voted for this. This has gone well beyond some open-minded desire for multiculturalism to levels of extreme masochism.

Comment The world is not perfect (Score 1) 375

The world is not perfect. The United States is *far* from perfect and getting worse in many ways. But none of this excuses China from egregious rights violations so yes, there absolutely is an ethical responsibility to avoid purchasing products made in China, just as there is with Israel.

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