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Comment Re:Spotify (Score 1) 151

For a few years it has almost completely stopped music piracy in scandinavia and in other european countries
No it hasn't. It might have decreased, but it certainly hasn't stopped. I would say that me and my friends still download as much music as before.

Now instead of sending each other mp3 files as file transfer people are just pasting spotify links in IM conversations here.
No one has *ever* sent me a Spotify link, but I stil get sent torrent-links to albums my friends believe I might enjoy.

Comment Worrisome (Score 1) 122

I get the feeling that one cannot trust Google and their services. They keep cutting them off after a while. Granted these were not the most used services, but still there has been quite a few services that has been cancelled over the year. Some services, such as Wave, didn't really get the chance to work. I think developers will be less likely to jump on board and start using new services/API:s when there is a chance that it will be cancelled within a short while :-(

Comment I blame Gnome! (Score 1) 400

Gnome is supposedly simple to use for beginners, but it is too different for a Windows-user with some experience. It would probably be much better if the notebooks were loaded with KDE instead. At least it looks somewhat like Windows to start with, even though it is far better...

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