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Comment Re:!Good (Score 1) 344

Oh, I forgot... Learn how things, like SunSpot, actually work before you poo poo them. There are cases where it's statistical optimization kicks other environment's ass. But that's no fun, now is it? Oh yeh, if you don't like the syntax of Java, use something like Groovy, Scala, or whatever. Get the best of both worlds :)

Comment Re:!Good (Score 1) 344

Nothing like finding a boundary case and using it to declare the norm...

I know everyone who isn't developing OS's or whatever are morons, but in reality, most people have never, and will never run into what you are talking about.

You should be advocating something like Actors or such as the proper solution for 99.9999% of development.

I know I worked on a mission critical, realtime, multithread system, in C. And we didn't use any dynamic allocation. Everything was predeclared arrays. And why? Because it avoided all the BS that you are promoting. Rather than showing how 1337 we were, we used a simple model that was super easy to manage. So eat that.

Comment Uninformed argument (Score 1) 702

If you are a publicly owned company, you are required (think tax law and shareholder rights laws) to either grow or be punted.

And beyond that, Laissez-faire capitalism is basically the only thing that is taught in our education system. [Ironically, even all those evil liberal colleges are teaching this.]

So yes, the "large mega telecommunications companies" are basically run by autonomous robots, and the executives are figureheads who push the buttons and cash in.

Comment Re:riiiiight (Score 1, Flamebait) 341

Ah, but the crazy fringe lunatics (ie Tea Baggers and ... Republicans) want to start repealing those rights. Either by claiming that these rights are "implied" and therefore illegal. Or they want to repeal the actual constitutional/amendment rights that we have.

It's not about rights really, it's about corporate interests. And yes, a corporation is basically a sociopathic person these days (person because of supreme court, sociopath because they are basically required to have not "have no regard for the moral or legal standards" other than stockholder rights.

Comment Re:No, it isn't. (Score 1) 709

Why does it always have to be a dichotomy? I write some very creative code that follows the standard rules and procedures. I see people, professional by your definition, who follow the rules and produce uninspired crap.

Now to turn many of you off... I've been doing this for 25 years, and have found that there is a balance. You won't be a good developer/programmer/software engineer without creativity. You will fall into the uninspired crap category. But, you need to learn to use discipline as an aid to handle the complexity you will encounter and to work with others.

Comment Re:Why doesn't Miguel just go to work for Microsof (Score 1) 443

Nice FUD. What is allowable/not-allowable has all been hashed out. Just do a google (interesting, it things google is miss-spelled) search.

The only people who are still wondering are those who either want to FUD, or those who think they can get around GPL, and steal the code, but just doing X,Y, and Z.

Comment A couple of points (Score 1) 416

1. It would be nice if Google included an OSS category, or a bonus award for an OSS prize winner. At least encourage good behaviour.

2. A lot of the closed stuff is crap, and could be improved to be usable or extended if it was open source.

3. You can actually do both. Maybe include the source with your app, or use a license like .... where when you make changes, they go back to the original author.

4. Maybe of the posts are missing the pointer or don't understand open software. You wouldn't have Linux as-is today without it.

Comment Re:Okay (Score 1) 197

Too bad I don't have any mod points so I can rate you down as a libertarian f'tard.

Two things:

1. He was talking about holding off, not eliminating the requirements.

2. We just had this conversation this morning, when someone said "Capitalism is the best system we have". But you have to ask, is it better to have a system that works to improve the social good of everyone. Or is it better to have a system where a few can get rich at the expense of the rest.

3. I disagree about being "Socially Good" is the problem. I think it's actually the bi-polar nature of our governmental and social system. We have one group that wants to help all people. We have another group who wants only their corporate overlords.

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Suggest you just sit there and wait till life gets easier.
