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Comment Re: That's not the same thing (Score 1) 291

AI is missing quite a few of the pieces we have, or even a small animal has. It'll get there, but not today. They can display an impressive level of reasoning that comes from using language as a tool like we do, front loaded with a shitload of training, but consciousness is a continuous process, and they're not doing that.

A squirrel will always empty any birdfeeder it's faced with, it learns as it goes, they don't come pre-trained with millions of squirrel-birdfeeder scenarios, and do it all without the help of a language.

We could model billions of squirrel behaviors and make something that passes sort of, but it's not the same thing as switching on a tiny squirrel brain, continuously modeling the world around it and just being a squirrel without having observed billions of them already. I'd bet on a squirrel that has never seen a bird feeder before over a complex model of squirrel behavior that hasn't seen one. That's a no brainer.

Comment Re: I guess the people have spoken (Score 2) 215

What do you mean politics secondary, that happened just a year after Loving v. Virginia. It was political. Or the fact a woman was on the bridge at all, with a guy with a Russian accent. Or all the socialism right under your nose that maybe you wrote off because the military is basically socialist as-is, but the Enterprise didn't run around defending foreign mineral/oil interests, the interstellar banana trade or prevent the spread of (insert ideology) either did it, and there was kind of a lot of sharing...

You're handwaving these things away yet a woman in the infantry, a Chinese accent, and who kisses who are still "political" today because of the same brand of hateful assholes.

It's someone else's fault of course, the other guys do the identity politics. Projection, every fucking time.

Comment Re: Pandora movies (Score 1) 67

I just went, you walk around and enjoy the park, wait in line for a ride if you want. It's like literally any other popular theme park in that regard. If you want to record a TikTok that makes a theme park seem like a sucky experience you could do that anywhere, maybe you don't like theme parks, that's ok, but Disney is a good one.

Comment Re: Not really much to disrupt (Score 1) 157

What does it matter? Our options are shit. It really isn't going to matter who wins.

If it was a choice between the guy that says immigrants are sub human and a ham sandwich, the only moral choice is letting a ham sandwich run the country.

Acting like it doesn't matter is intellectually dishonest, plain stupid, or evil.

Comment Re:It is possible there is value in Reddit (Score 1) 96

Seriously. I got banned from /r/politics for relating a story of how I've been called a "faggot" for, get this, ambiguous use of hate speech. When an actual gay man isn't allowed to describe the sort of homophobia he's experienced, you know that forum has jumped the shark. Prior to that, I butted heads with some folks in there because I wasn't drinking the Bernie Kool-Aid, and pretty much if you're right of Bernie you may as well be marching the streets dressed as a Neo Nazi, at least as far as the folks in that subreddit were concerned.

If I was writing a Yelp review for them, it would read something like: Worst place to discuss politics ever, zero stars.

It's a forum with 8.5 million members, there's like 8000 online right at this moment. Of course there are dumb one size fits all rules in place.

What do you expect? A packed NFL stadium is something like 70,000 people. Why in the actual FUCK would you go to a generic event in one called "politics", and for fun we wired one hundred of those together into one big mega forum, for ... "politics".

Think about how dumb that whole concept is right out of the gate, and you're threatening to write a yelp review because your experience sucked at the mega politics forum. Well, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.

You're also that guy that writes yelp reviews about the packed restaurant nobody goes to right?

Just don't go, it makes literally zero sense. I wouldn't throw a "politics" night at a small bar, why would it make any sense at THAT scale? What is wrong with you, why are you even trying to participate in that shit show? If you want nuance, go to a smaller forum, I mean what the fuck do you expect, seriously? I have no sympathy whatsoever. You expected something good from the audience of millions of extremely online that you are entitled to talk to, with the topic "politics". Think about it.

Comment Re: Kinda like "security theater" (Score 0) 395

We now engage in "morality theater".
Since we threw out, you know, actual morality, we now have to make up a bunch of new ad hoc rules, which we are as zealous about enforcing as anyone ever was. p.Prepare to get the scarlet "U" ("un-woke"?) if you use an image of a woman with a bare shoulder wearing a hat.

It's just like the master/slave debate. I don't know who was offended by it, but I can name everyone on here offended by the idea of someone being offended. I know I've always eyed the room before saying it out loud because sounds wrong. Then someone says why don't we stop, call them replicas, or anything technically accurate, and reasonable people say thank god it's not me, it's the smallest thing and this makes more sense.

People like you come out crying moral outrage, and there isn't one, other than you of course. So please show me where the moral outrage is, because I can name every asshole on /. sweat screaming about it right now as if it affects them, and frankly, if it makes people like cascadingstylesheet upset, it's probably a good idea.

When you're done being outraged and can think straight, can you explain why a low resolution 1970s scan of an older analog photograph makes a good test image in 2024. Can you show me on the doll where the new test image touched you? Are you done being a snowflake? Projection, every time. /eyeroll

Comment Re:How can he be prosecuted by the U.S.? (Score 1) 151

We have more guns than everyone else.

It's not even that so much as "Do as we say or we cut off trade/investment/loans/grants".

America may be in decline, but it still has a lot of influence, money-wise.

First world problems: we have all the guns, money, and influence but our country is "in decline" because the price of chicken nuggets is up this week and someone has purple hair.

Comment Re: Sounds like criminal computer sabotage (Score 5, Interesting) 75

The difference in behavior is due to differences in the SSL library curl is linked to. That behavior is not even formally specified, the man page even makes it clear that flag is platform specific right out the gate before even getting to the platform's SSL implementation.

And then... why is anyone using curl to do very specific SSL validation tests when tools like the openssl cli are available. Curl is just an http client, unless they rolled their own, they're at the whims of whatever SSL impl was linked in. Go talk to a senior Linux sysadmin and ask for help you sad little web developer children. This is not a Mac problem, this is an every unix is different and welcome to the party problem.

There's something very karmic about Linux tossing aside decades of Unix standards and some kids getting upset that an http client doesn't do what Linux does, made me laugh.

Comment Re:I don't get Texas priorities (Score 1) 292

is the opposite of equal rights and justice, it creates race-based hierarchies of dominance that oppress participants via constant purity seeking. It is anti-meritocratic, anti-free speech, anti-equality

Looking up at the title on this page, your "constant purity seeking" almost made me snort coffee out my nose.

Book ban campaigns, the anti-CRT law prohibiting teaching of "offensive" history, restricting anonymous access to porn, abortion and now birth control restrictions, war on immigration, on top of all the old bullshit sin taxes, to erode your rights and crafted in a way specifically to avoid justice for political and religious reasons because you don't think or look like me.

Yes sir, you've described Texas conservatives to a T.

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