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Submission + - HubSpot Announces Layoffs Of 500 Employees, 7% Of Staff (

WankerWeasel writes: HubSpot CEO Yamini Rangan announced layoffs today via a blog post on their website.

We’ve decided to reduce the size of our team by 7% and will be saying goodbye to approximately 500 HubSpotters. If you are one of those employees in the U.S., you will get an email within the next 15 minutes with information and support. In other countries, this process will vary based on local laws and practices. I am deeply sorry to be taking this step.

The post goes on to say the layoffs are due to growing headcount too quickly and reducing investment in various areas of the business.

Comment We'll have to solve aging once the birthrate drops (Score -1) 121

It's pretty likely that in 2021 alone, the experimental mRNA drugs killed nearly 300,000: https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcen... I think it's likely higher; probably int he 2%~4% rage of all those who had two doses. The stillbirth rates are through the roof now. The real danger is NOT now. A lot of people have died and will continue to drop dead suddenly from blood clotting, yes. But I think injecting the kids is where the real evil is. The ones who won't drop dead will likely have fertility problems. I'm guessing ~30% will not be able to have children. So if you gave you kid the shot and they can't have kids when they're 25, that's on you. We'll hit a fertility crisis after my generation is dead. We'll have to solve the aging problem by them. Now those remaining will likely not be susceptible to blood clots from mRNA drugs, so researchers can continue more insane gene therapies on at least 2/3 of the population.

Comment Re:Police State (Score -1, Troll) 110

I do not like Saudi Arabia. Keep in mind the world ignored their war with their neighbors during the Ukraine/Russia war.
Bush and Cheney knocked down the twin towers, not brown people from Saudi Arabia/Pakistan.
I do not think the Wikipedia staff should be jailed, but I don't think Saudi Arabia is wrong about their assessment either:
Wikipedia is nothing but political propaganda at this point. Everything controversial on their site is misleading. The answer is for people to stop using Wikipedia, or at least realize most of the content on it for anything in the real of current events (meaning the past 20 years) is left wing authoritarian bullshit.

Comment Re:Hardware liquidation sale!!!!!!1 (Score -1, Troll) 33

What's wrong with Texas? I mean, besides the fact that the Former Vice President Biden administration is allowing millions of undocumented kids to flow through like water to be trafficked into both slave labor and sex trades. That's not really their fault though. It's a pretty good state .. no Florida, and their governor needs to grow a pair, but it doesn't have rampant unprosecuted election fraud like Arizona.

Comment Re:Already required? (Score 0) 183

Well you're uninformed. You use to be able to have up to $10k of hobby income. You often would need to report little side projects until they actually got big enough that they were viable. The Former Vice President Biden administration dropped that down to $600. This isn't about going after the rich at all. This is about auditing every citizen in mass and imposing new social credit scores that restrict your spending. I already deleted my paypal after their recent bullshit. I suggest more people use cash to pay their friends for stuff.

Comment Re:"Unnoticed" (Score 0) 183

Every media outlet I watch and listen to has been reporting on everything from the 80k new IRS agents, to the increased scrutiny on tax codes to the coming digital dollar.

STOP WATCHING MAINSTREAM MEDIA and tell all your friends to as well. No Agenda, Stephen Crowder, Media Monarchy, James Crobett and even fucking Tim Pool and Alex Jones cover more of this stuff than anyone else. If you start looking for your news outside of the Google/Facebook/TV filter bubble, you will see this stuff coming. And it's up to you to make sure everyone else is persuaded to get out from under the main stream media garbage too.

Comment Re:It will take longer than ... (Score 0) 96

Well the climate changes every 10,000 years. There were glaciers in Illinois and seas in Nevada and there will be again. Man isn't accelerating it like the alarmists claim .. and even if we are, every single thing that's being done increases all pollution under the guise of saving the planet. It's all about new "Carbon Markets" .. it's sick really.

But to address your comment .. nihilist and fatalist much? If humanity ends, it will be because of people with your shitty attitude. We could have 7 billion more people on early, truly fix environmental problems and not the bullshit "climate change," reach Mars, have human colonies floating in space ... we could do all these things if we don't give up.

Even if we don't, at least we can say we tried. All you want to do is die.

Comment Re:Not clear of wrongdoing? (Score 1) 23

> Holy shit, how fucking stupid are these prosecutors?

They're not. It's called corruption. This guy should be treated like a Bernie Madoff, but he can't because everything leads straight back to prominent members in both the Democrat and Republican parties.

I highly recommend the recent Unlimited Hangouts podcast on FTX:

It goes into Effective Alturism and how Bankman was basically picked and groomed to be a fraudster. The rabbit hole is deep on this.

Comment Coming to the US (Score -1) 11

I've heard from people who are developers at banks that this is coming to the US very soon; as early as January 31st. I'm surprised we've not heard more in IT news. The URLA changes for home mortgages a few years ago took an insane amount of rework at most mortgage companies; and this should be 5x ~ 8x as large in complexity and reach. Anyone in the US financial industry able to confirm or deny the USdc?

Comment Re:Good for them (Score 0) 27

Amazon doesn't make any more of retail. Zero. Last year it was like negative 1% ~ 2%. Before that it was +1% ~ 2% at best. Crazy isn't it?

The fast majority of their money comes from AWS. If Amazon workers get more money, they'll raise sales prices to keep near that 0%. Their retail, as insanely large as it is, is really just advertising so people know their name.

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