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Comment Re:Sigh... (Score 1) 373

As long as there's nothing stopping OEMs from adding a browser to their systems, and nothing stopping individuals from using a browser of their choice, I really don't see a problem. You want to install Chrome or Opera? Go right ahead.

I suspect you'll find that MS has been found to do exactly that. They've historically put pressure on OEMs by threatening to give them worse licensing deals than their competitors unless they complied with MS's wishes.

Comment Re:Hyperbolic bullshit (Score 1) 373

Completely agree with you. However, I think that a better solution would be to prohibit Microsoft from offering volume license prices for Windows to OEMs that are different from the retail price. This would completely remove any leverage they have on OEMs as far as coercing them in regards to what OS's, browsers etc that they are willing to offer. If MS still wants to only allow IE on Windows that would be fine. Oh, and also require that the price of the OS be required to be listed in the total price of every computer sold by OEMs. This way people would be much more aware of exactly how much the MS tax really is. I suspect many people acquiesce to buying Windows because the cost of the OS is completely hidden from them.

Comment Re:Response from L4C list (Score 1) 431

Your information about timeouts is correct. You can effectively create a cooperative multi-threading environment using such a technique. The purpose of doing this is NOT to improve performance. In fact, you take a slight hit for it. The purpose is to improve responsiveness. Locking the user's browser solid for 30 seconds straight is not going to make them happy. And when they get the "this script is taking too long" error message, they're going to kill the script and decide your app doesn't work.

If the app is cooperatively mutli-threaded, you can provide the user feedback on progress thus improving the perceived performance.

It seems that these are exactly the types of cases where a non-web application would be appropriate. In my experience, as soon as you get much beyond the wizard type data-driven apps that make sense in the browser, you end up having to reinvent all sorts of wheels that you get for free in a 'real' language. Implementing cooperative multithreading in a browser just throws up all kinds of red flags.

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