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Comment Efficiency is _all_ that matters (Score 1) 87

10% less efficiency is 10% _less_, it's wasteful, no matter how much power is involved. Wouldn't you be delighted if your vehicle was 10% more fuel efficient? And yet, the car companies will make a big show over small single digit improvements.

Instead of grandiose carbon sequestering schemes or other mad schemes to attempt to control the purported man-fuelled climate change, why not instead simply try to do things more efficiently? Energy consumption inevitably continue to grow simply because the planet's population will continue to grow. The most practical way to deal with the associated environmental impact is to lessen the byproducts through efficient consumption.

Comment Simple ... swamp the system (Score 1) 76

Those able to do so, should hack in to every system they can in Malaysia and insert illicit content. When it becomes apparent how easy it is to make anyone guilty of posting any content, and when the justice system finds itself overwhelmed, maybe someone will rethink the legislation.

That said, this could be a convenience law ie. never used except when law enforcement is looking for a way to 'get' someone.

Comment Cellphones might be better ... (Score 1) 108

... initiate a call to the perps, precisely triangulate the location of the phone source through common RF firection finding, use passive detection using your own cell and responding perps cell signals (add in others for more precision). Would have been complicated to do once upon a time but tech is there to do it now. Reply to this post if you want to take this idea to market :-)

Comment Was there ... NOT 2000 "scientists" (Score 1) 263

The title would make you think 2000 published scientists were giving time to the event. No. More like an assortment of grad students, lab techs (maybe), and various types of youths (high school, street, art students) looking for a party. That was it except for one bona fide prof. The impassioned organizer admitted on radio that the protest was organized without having brought any issues to government attention ie. no attempt at contacting govt officials for a dialogue, etc.

The fact is, scientists are supported pretty nicely by the Canadian governement. The govt has an agenda of pushing the subsidizing of science on to industry ie. make Canadian industry invest in research. That can mean diminishing govt research funding in areas where it is felt industry can do better. In fact, rather than protesting against the easy target (govt), maybe scientists/public should be asking industry to get off their collective cans and start doing serious research.

The scientists who work for the govt have it best and no reason at all to complain. As public servants, they are not subject to 'publish or perish', they can choose between two career streams of management or scienctific management (a boon for scientists who suck at research but are good at organizing things), after competing for and winning a position it is theirs indefinitely if they so choose (and don't commit a crime ... and incompetence isn't a crime), the pay is exceptional, the funding is consistent (there is never a year of zero funds and where univ profs scrabble for $10K here or there, they speak in $100K chunks), and parking is (for most) free. The disgruntled few, coincidentally those who've never worked in industry or academia, bitch about not being able to spout off to the media at will but instead having to go through govt public relations staff (they feel they are 'muzzled') ... ummm, just like the scientists at Microsoft, HP, NASA, etc. have to?

Comment Insurance companies, lawyers, rejoice! (Score 1) 163

Plaintiff: The drugs had undocumented side-effects that have left me paralyzed from the neck down.

Lawyers for the Defence: Your honour, we have documented proof that the plaintiff did not adhere strictly to the dosage regimen specified. If the medication had been taken properly, the "side-effects" would not have manifested.

Some good may come off this ... and very much bad.

Comment The BORG had a Queen (Score 1) 277

The network described would not work unless everyone had 'like mind' and 'like skills'. The former is impossible in humans. The latter would involve prohibitive training costs for an army ... that's why they have 'specialists'. Even ants and bees, the standard examples of hive-mind, have specialists. And, of course, the BORG had a pro-active Queen.

Comment This is a FEAR campaign, not reality. (Score 1) 263

If you can't tag and track REAL documents ... then can't you tag and track FAKE documents.

If you have to 'learn' a users typing or searching habits, the user can control what is learned ergo the system can be deceived right from the start.

So, this is really about putting fear in the hearts of potential, amateur 'evil' doers.

Comment Alarmism for Funding (Score 1, Insightful) 759

Dear Scientists: The earth is changing. Get over it. Study it, and have fun doing so. Your recommendations however, are just ego driven and likely wrong. We know you smart and all, but really, not as much as you think.

Dear Everyone Else: If you really think we have sufficient engineering and scientific knowledge to keep the planet from changing, to bend it to our will, then you are hopelessly stupid. Get back to your partying, soaps, reality TV, or whatever. Or get a bit of an education so that you understand what a crock of BS the well meaning, self-infatuated scientists are feeding you.

The climate change debate is simply an ego driven load of claptrap promoted by selfish, opportunistic business and political motives. When nature ceases to surprise scientists, then perhaps their pronouncements will be credible. Until then, all they have are educated guesses.

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