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Comment Re:The trouble with "hate speech" (Score 1) 121

Marx works are on German. English sometimes is painful to express. But it's a minor point.
You seems to refuse all the quotes I presents, which Marx's ideas when you refuse those are Marx's ideas.

You're highlighting the final step of it, which he says democracy will take foot, but only after the overthrow of the "old societies"

No, it's how societies work, as I mentioned, not just "communist", when the conflict reach the point of unreconcilable.

Which is a commentary that modern communists are revising to advertise to the others to join their cause

Modern?? this from 1930s article. Nah, all the articles I cited are from very beginning of communism establishment, which rejected USSR and co as communism. What's your point?

Comment Re:The trouble with "hate speech" (Score 1) 121

Marx was notorious for using 'obfuscated' words for exact translation, if not known what he was really meant and the context.
As mentioned in my previous comment, Marx did not consider the "dictatorship" and "revolution" as the tool of "minority" to "take control" powers. The armed force revolution is the result of old "weaken" societies refuse to transform to new societies, despite the will of the mass (in this case, the proletarian class is a larger group).

In 1875, Marx attacked the Gotha Program that became the program of Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP) in the same year in his Critique of the Gotha Program. Marx was not optimistic that Germany at the time was not open to a peaceful means to achieve socialism, especially after German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck had enacted Anti-Socialist Laws in 1878.

"If in England, for instance, or the United States, the working class were to gain a majority in Parliament or Congress, they could, by lawful means, rid themselves of such laws and institutions as impeded their development, though they could only do insofar as society had reached a sufficiently mature development. However, the "peaceful" movement might be transformed into a "forcible" one by resistance on the part of those interested in restoring the former state of affairs; if (as in the American Civil War and French Revolution) they are put down by force, it is as rebels against "lawful" force."

for clearer, this what Marx thought about "dictatorship", not for gaining power, but for disproving the power of the minority (old societies):

While Marx viewed the state negatively as an instrument of class rule that should only exist temporarily upon the rise to power of the proletariat and then dismantled

In the manifesto (in your comment) above:

In short, the Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.
Finally, they labour everywhere for the union and agreement of the democratic parties of all countries.

And this,

In 1848, in the Communist Manifesto they wrote:
"We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle for democracy."

But note the point, Marx does not refer or say that only a minority of the working class would or need take control of political power during the period of the "transformation of the one into the other.”
We repeat that the dictatorship in Russia is not the “dictatorship of the Proletariat" in the Marxian sense of the term. On the contrary, it has been the dictatorship of a party, a party which in the earlier stages of their conquest of power actually deprived its own members of the power of voting.

Comment Re:The trouble with "hate speech" (Score 1) 121

No, your previous comment is exactly what AC mentioned. The Soviet economy is actually state capitalism (mentioned above, deformed capitalism economy), which has the properties of capitalism system.
The case of China is to abandon the monopoly of the state with the economy and (it's important, it happened when China decided to against the Soviet) the Wests were lift off embargo against the country.
If not for the investment, it's impossible for an economy no matter Soviet-style or Western-style would survived.

Comment Re:The trouble with "hate speech" (Score 1) 121

First of all, remind that, at this time there was no "communist party", and no "communist revolution".
In the article you cited, what I read is how Marx observed the events, and his conclusion is still true today, not just "communist revolution", how about "Arab Spring", recent clashes in Venezuela,... That is when the conflicts between the old and the new societies reach the unreconcilable level, there only one way happens, revolutionary terror.

Comment Re:The trouble with "hate speech" (Score 2) 121

Disagree? Then prove it: How many communist revolutions were democratically elected? And how many communist revolutions ever allowed free speech? There have been many communist revolutions around the world, so if what you say is true, then at least one should meet both criteria.

Communist revolution? Actually, one must ask there really actual communist revolutions out there!
It's not that "because Soviet was failed so they - communists try to lie that Soviet was not communism". It's ironical that who predict the fall of Soviet and was vocally against Stalinism or Leninism or Trotskyism, etc are Marxists themselves:

This is from 1931 article of Socialist party of Great Britain:

The wage-labour system in Russian State industries, like the system here and elsewhere, is a system of Slavery. The spread of piece-work will intensify the slavery ; it will enable the "Communist" rulers to squeeze more surplus-produce out of Russian workers, just as it has helped the Conservative and Liberal capitalists of this country. Alleged "quotations" in support of it from Marx merely brand Stalin & Co. as hypocrites and their followers as ignorant dupes. The Russian Government must make a profit in order to pay interest upon its loans if for no other reason, and this fact alone is sufficient to explode the myth that Russian State industry is run on Socialist lines.

The Russian Government has to borrow money to run its industries, like any other capitalist concern, because it has to pay for machinery and raw material, because its employees have to pay for the food, clothes and houses they need; because, in a phrase, all the means by which these requirements are produced are private property. It has not established an oasis of Socialism in a capitalist desert. Had it tried to do so it would have been speedily annihilated.

Comment Re:The trouble with "hate speech" (Score 3, Informative) 121

Karl Marx himself stated that communism must begin with the violent overthrow of democracy

Citation is needed!
In fact, Marx has never discussed anything about how to archive communism.
One of the form of communism in idea of Marx is that the government must be exterminated, how does that mean "overthrow of democracy" when there would be not rulers at all?
Don't mixed the **interpretations** of Marx's ideas of Lenin, Mao, Stalin... in as Marx's ideas!

Comment Re:Somebody shoot this treasonous cunt (Score 4, Informative) 102

How come there are ***never*** any leaks from these autocratic countries?

Never??? You can go to Wikileak and use the function 'search'. In case of it takes you too much time, here is a story published on Slashdot:
Wikileaks Releases Documents It Claims Detail Russia Mass Surveillance Apparatus

Keep in mind that Wikileaks is a tool to publish anonymous documents, you can't ask Wikileaks to publish what they don't have.

By the way, when you are SO angry that Assange 'seems to support repressive regimes', and DEMAND Wikileaks 'to do somethings' with these governments, I don't know where you were at those topic:
YouTube Suspends Account of Popular Chinese Dissident
Apple Pulls Anti-Censorship Apps from China's App Store

Bonus, don't blame Wikileaks and Assange for his 'so-called-anti-USA':
Cisco Leak: 'Great Firewall' of China Was a Chance to Sell More Routers

Comment Re:Queue apologists in 5... 4... 3... 2... (Score 1) 50

My original post pointed out that in the summary of Slashdot article found nowhere on the original article, the title here is misleading. Report, quoting what it is, is journalism. Get it!?
All you throwing here is your assumption, that's not my interest, that does not have anything to do with my original post. Understand!?

Could you read English? Repeat after me:

You may be right or not. When ever you have a proof, show it.

Also, your information is wrong here:

Three Interfax journalists have been murdered by Putin's thugs

Sergei Grebenyuk, Interfax
1996-02-08 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Yuri Soltis, Interfax
1994-06-12 in Moscow, Russia

At least, 2 Interfax journalists were kill when Eltsin was the president of Russia. No information of the third one.
So, better to polish your bullshit before wasting my time again!

Comment Re:Queue apologists in 5... 4... 3... 2... (Score 1) 50

Name calling make you feel better at conversation!?
Gucifer what? I don't know who you are, you too!
What I pointed out is the way "journalism" works here in Slashdot and a comment without back up, without even matches the content of the article it tried to mention, was moderated "insightful".

Russia is really good at the misinformation game. But you already know that.

You may be right or not. When ever you have a proof, show it.
But by your logic, if Russia is not the victim of this cyber attack, clearly Russia's behind this, if it is the victim, clearly Russia stages a false-flag. But you already know that.

Comment Re:Queue apologists in 5... 4... 3... 2... (Score 5, Insightful) 50

The post on slashdot: The fucking Title: New Cyber Attacks Hit Airport, Metro in Ukraine

The fucking Summary: "Ukraine was the chief victim of a major cyber attack earlier this year, and the government had warned on Oct. 13 that another strike might be coming................. CERT-Ukraine said in a statement."

The original article: Title: New wave of cyber attacks hits Ukraine and Russia

Cyber attacks using malware called “BadRabbit” hit Ukraine and Russia on Tuesday

Interfax, one of the largest news agencies in Russia, said some of its services were hit by an “unprecedented virus attack”.

“According to our data, most of the victims targeted by these attacks are located in Russia. We have also seen similar but fewer attacks in Ukraine, Turkey and Germany,” said Russian cyber security firm Kaspersky Lab.

Ukraine’s cyber police chief told Reuters the country was “barely affected”.

And, more, how such a lame post like this, the OP, got mode up "4 insightful".

Comment Re:Fuck Toshiba. (Score 2) 28

Also, according to Japanese source, there was no evidence that Soviet improved there subs using Toshiba machine:
Japanese wikipedia

Also, according to the magazine supervised by the US Department of Defense, the quietness of the Soviet submarines improved after 1979, which is before the export of machine tools. Richard Armitage , who was then Assistant Secretary of Defense at the time, in a letter addressed to the House of Representatives military chairman of the House of Representatives, the Soviet nuclear submarine was equipped with a silent screw already three years before the incident, He said that he was opposed to sanctions against Toshiba. Furthermore, the quietness of submarines is not limited to the molding technology of screws but also to nuclear reactors and motor technology.

Also it's coincided with the incidents in 80's, 90's, Japan rose as the most potential competitor to the U.S (which was predicted to be surpassed U.S in 90's), which called "Japan Bashing":

During the 1980s, Japan Bashing reached a boiling point. Riding the late 1970s energy crisis, competition from Japanese car companies offering cheaper, fuel efficient cars became heated. Japan, however, was not interested in buying large American automobiles with steering wheels on the wrong side. The country was labeled as "protectionist", and protesters burned Japanese cars and flags, and the term "Japan Bashing" was coined.

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