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Comment Re:In all seriousness (Score 1) 215

Agree completely. Though I have a heavily brace-oriented background, I've found learning Python while ignorant that you could use braces to contain code blocks, I've embraced the tab delimitation completely.

I've simply never had a major tab problem, and while I don't write terribly complicated code, I nest the hell out of things sometimes. I develop on Windows and use PythonWin and there's just never a problem with indentation. I totally don't get people who troll (not accusing you!) on the topic.

Comment Re:Deposits and core fees. (Score 1) 249

As a resident of a state with deposits on bottles and cans (California) and being generally eco-friendly when given the opportunity, I feel I must add that it's bunk to thing those fees encourage recycling of bottles and cans. It does, however, encourage people without a good revenue stream to collect / scavenge / rummage through bins for them. Now, I suppose you can argue that the litter collection and what we must assume is, in fact, a net increase in recycling is worth the fee (I do believe this to be the case), but let's not kid ourselves that the refund is causing most people to behave differently.

That said, your $50 (arbitrary, I realize) tax is three orders of magnitude larger than the bottle / can fee, so maybe it would have more of a direct effect, but I think w/r/t cans and bottles, you're overstating the effect.

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
