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Comment Re:Apple vs Samsung. (Score 1) 490

Consider what Samsung has done for LCD technology. There are many other areas where they've innovated similarly. Apple's hardware "innovation" is basically deciding how to arrange the components they buy from the people who are actually doing new science, like Samsung.

Apple does very little R&D compared to many other companies, but outside of a few areas (pharmaceuticals come to mind), private enterprises do very little R&D compared to research institutions. As a scientist, this pisses me off to some degree, but I've learned to live with it.

Comment Re:More to follow? (Score 1) 490

Lax attitude towards patents? SOFTWARE SHOULD NOT BE PATENTED. Google just happens to be on the right side of that issue.

I happen to believe that marijuana should be legalized, but that doesn't mean I can expect to walk down the street smoking weed without getting stopped for it.

Comment Re:Voice Search (Score 1) 490

It makes Android that much more dangerous for Apple, because it's the antithesis of what Apple stands for, and how Apple operates. A free (speech) and open system will always triumph over a closed system assuming the same features. All parties know this.

Then why are most people's desktops running Windows?

Comment Re:Jeff Miller is stupid (Score 1) 289

But then the TSA just asks for $400,000 more from the federal budget. No less money goes to the TSA, but $400,000 more goes from taxpayers' pockets to the USO.

If the point is to discourage the TSA from taking the money, why not just make them put it back in the federal budget?

Comment Jeff Miller is stupid (Score 2) 289

Why doesn't he just create a bill to give $400,000 of taxpayer money to the USO? It's the same thing financially as redirecting this money that currently goes into the general budget to a private organization, but I guess it sounds better the way he puts it?

Then again, $400,000 is not that much money in the first place. He and a couple wealthy friends could almost certainly cover it.

Comment Re:Why support Mozilla? (Score 1) 187

Yeah 6 months late and most businesses have downgraded back to IE 7.

Is Firefox being updated too quickly or too slowly? Firefox 3.6 is still supported, and will be until April 2012, apprently. Besides misinformation, I don't see why a business would downgrade to IE.

Asa even told corporate users that if it wants security fixes for 3.6 and 4.0, that 5.0 was THE security fix.

3.6 is still receiving security updates, and it will until April 2012. There have been several 3.6.x point releases since the 4.0 release. I don't think anyone ever said it wouldn't receive security updates.

No I.T. worker wants to answer 900 calls saying that the corporate add-on for proxy settings broke as FF auto updated etc.

Why in God's name would you do this? What is wrong with setting the system proxy settings? What is wrong with a PAC file?

Comment Re:Why support Mozilla? (Score 1) 187

Someone tell me why any enterprise should ever donate Mozilla a single penny of support ever again? Mozilla has aggressively and loudly snubbed enterprise users (after having courted them), has refused to listen to anything other than their politically-driven BS, and have told people to change their way of dealing with upgrades just to accommodate Mozilla.

Mozilla created Extended Support Releases specifically to accommodate enterprise users. In what way did they "refuse to listen"?

Comment Re:Why BASIC? What for? (Score 2) 783

JavaScript is actually quite easy to debug in IE 9, Firefox with Firebug, or Chrome, all of which contain debugging environments. CoffeeScript is harder to debug because it compiles to JS first. Python is harder to debug than JS because the debugging environment sucks by comparison.

Comment Re:too bad (Score 1) 210

You think the people implementing fast calculations for financial firms, can't and aren't using the knowledge and source code for projects in other areas ?

Correct. Do you think they are? That would almost certainly be in violation of their contracts...

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