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Comment Re:The Manchurian Candidate (Score 1) 240

You're frankly too stupid to even cater to. Wayland (nor Xorg) get to dictate how the apps you want to use are written. Since basically everything now is doing the rendering themselves and pushing bitmaps, X11 is terrible at remoting. If you have control over your app then make it remote properly yourself.

Otherwise shut up and stop trying to tell the rest of us that running a text editor from 1992 is the be-all-end-all of remote graphical work.

Comment Re:The Manchurian Candidate (Score 2) 240

Outside of those types and pathological configurations, remote X11 just works for all apps.

So running an app over the internet is a pathological configuration?

X11 is utterly garbage at remoting because it was never designed for it, it was designed for LAN use with near-zero latency. That's why the calls are syncronous.

Sure, it's possible to forward an X11 connection across 100+ ms of latency, but I wouldn't call the resulting clusterfuck 'usable'. There's a reason that the nX library is used to make it reasonable - and there's no reason that you can't do the same with a different library that's not inherently constrained by a 26 year old design with no concept of high-bandwidth/high-latency connections.

Per-window RDP is utterly trivial to implement and works better on modern connections than X11 ever has.

Comment This is the dumbest idea I've heard today. (Score 1) 405

How about instead of idiotic rube-goldberg contraptions that depend on people buying specific model years of cars and specific types of phones to go with them and are guaranteed to be jailbroken the day they're released to the public - we just dump that wasted money into self-driving cars? There's no reason that people need to be in control of 3 tons of hurtling death when computers can do the job just as well. When the LIDAR detects a non-automated vehicle in proximity it can mantain a safe distance (and warn surrounding vehicles so cross-streets aren't approached when they might run a stop, etc).

Or, you know, we could put up with nanny state nonsense and continue to sacrifice huge chunks of our day to the commute god.

Comment Re:Oh brother (Score 1) 590

I wish they were just tilting against the porn windmill. MADD has morphed into a neo-prohibition movement, and their stances align more closely with moralising than saving lives. Note how silent they are about idiotic movies like 5fast5furious or car commercials for vehicles designed specifically to go much faster than any speed limit. They're also not supporters of any sort of safe-ride program for people drinking - they just want you to not drink at all.

Comment Re:bad joke... (Score 1) 268

File birth time is a fairly difficult concept, and only really useful on say a database file that's edited in-place. Any text file/source code you've written will have btime=ctime, since it was 'created' as a temporary file, then renamed over the original. That's one reason why people think ctime means 'creation' time, since for the types of files people hand-edit it really is.

Comment Re:Happy with XFS (Score 2) 268

Oh, so true. Indeed, problems like modularity, maintainability and shared functionality stopped existing long ago as we all know.

It's almost like people have discovered that you can have modularity and shared functionality in a different way than artifically seperating storage layers and throwing away important data at each layer boundry.

Comment Re:Read their website (Score 4, Insightful) 268

It's an issue with any CoW filesystem being full - in order to delete a file, you need to make a new copy of the metadata that has the file removed, then a copy of the entire tree leading up to that node then finally copy the root - and once the root is committed, you can free up the no-longer in-use blocks. At least, as long as they're not still referenced by another snapshot.

The alternative is to rewrite the metadata in place and just cross your fingers and hope you don't suffer a power loss at the wrong time, in which case you end up with massive data corruption.

I've filled up large (for home use) BTRFS filesystems before - 6-10tb. The code does a fairly good job about refusing to create new files that would fill the last remaining bit so it leaves room for metadata CoW to delete. The problem may come from having a particularly large tree that requires more nodes to be allocated on a change then were reserved - in which case the reservation can be tuned.

BTRFS isn't considered 'done' by any means. It was only in the 3.9 kernel that the new raid5/6 code landed, and other major features (such as dedup) are still pending. It's actually very encouraging that a work-in-progress filesystem is as solid as it is already.

Comment Re:Am I the only one who thinks... (Score 1) 46

Self-reinforcing. Start with an empty 'related' database and a huge library of books. The first person browsing leaves a distinct fingerprint on the database, because the second person 'sees' the first's trail, and follows it. The joy of a traditional library is there is no path trod into the browsing experience, every discovery is fresh, no matter how many times it's been done before.

To get an idea of how it works out in practice, check out the completely bonkers amazon reccomendations for super-low-traffic items.

Comment Re:Am I the only one who thinks... (Score 1) 46

There's a lot behind this comment that is really important. Sure, you "can" do the same thing with an electronic view of recently returned books - but you have all sorts of crazy privacy implications. If you read on-site in a traditional library, you don't need a name associated with a book to browse the shelves and see what's related, you can anonymously put it in the returns without your identity ever being associated. And it's a lot more casual and discovery-oriented: A lot of times I would walk through a section dedicated to fiction, grab something at random and read a bit of it to see if I liked it. If I did, I might finish it there, or check it out. Automated delivery is very goal-oriented: I know I want THIS book, go fetch it for me and ignore everything else next to it. At best, it could have a 'related reading' list which rapidly becomes a self-reinforcing subset of the available books.

I think we should digitize everything - but keep traditional libraries traditional. Just don't fill an entire moon with books.

Comment Re:Hopefully another 25 years or more (Score 1) 455

The thing is, with a modern design around the capabilites of video cards you have a much cleaner way of grabbing the individual window frabebuffers (textures? Not sure what they're called when compositing) and streaming them as an image remotely. You can couple that with some hints ("Scroll down 50 pixels") and get a very efficient network protocol - that the applications can safely ignore. As far as they're concerned, everything is happining locally, and they don't care that instead of getting scaled and wobbly they're being encoded and streamed across a lan. As long as you forward the same input events, what's the difference?

Comment Re:Hopefully another 25 years or more (Score 1) 455

Not really. It's a much more painful to try to remote a browser vi X11 on a LAN than it is to VNC/RDP into windows. The main issue is that while bandwidth has improved greatly from the early days of X11 there's only so much you can do about latency, and nearly no apps are written to handle that network latency well. It's actually a much better idea to let them do all their tiny operations on a local framebuffer and stream the whole image as a big blob of pixels. Back when X11 was designed, it was basically unthinkable to throw pixel streams across the network, because bandwidth was such a scarse resource (even on a LAN, 10 MB shared collision domain? Ouch.). When your design constraints change so drastically it's only natural that the optimal solution is no longer the same.

Comment Re:Taxes I pay $$ I take home :( (Score 1) 394

Why, it's almost as if your taxes were based on multiple people working and you're looking only at your own salary. Did you pay more in taxes than you paid everyone in your company combined?

You're free to move to Somolia, where there's no taxes at all; but I guess you like stupid things like "Roads", "A functioning legal system", "Not being murdered", crap like that. Guess what? You get to pay for it, same as the rest of us.

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