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Comment Re:This just in... (Score 1) 936

"The thing I hate about these comments, is the reverse is exactly true as well."

That's mighty clever, but no one was asserting anything contrary.
They are both dangerous, potentially disabling or lethal.
That's why the police are trained in applying the minimal force required that's consistent with the threat.

Comment Re:Whether you love or hate taxes... (Score 1) 768

"But it currently seems that people who have enough money can completely avoid having to pay taxes on most of it."

(Are you confusing wealth and income? Are you confusing tax rates and tax amounts?)

"should I be angry at them for using their wealth to shift more of the burden onto me?"

You might start by being angry at the size of the burden.

Comment Re:Whether you love or hate taxes... (Score 1) 768

"... just ... chop them up ..."

Wow, you have a strange imagination.

"What system do you think is reasonable for handling the problem?"

Well, not the Marxism that you got to in just a few rounds. How about viewing taxation as a necessary evil. That would stop people crowing about how the rich deserve to pay yet more, blah blah, as if it were morally righteous to do yet greater evil to them/us. There should be a gratitude and regret for having to tax, and a moral impetus to explain and minimize it. Government would shrink.

Comment Re:"Stealing"? (Score 1) 768

"If they don't want this stuff provided for them ..."

Are you sure you want to go there? That way lies the treatment of government as a provider of monopoly infrastructure services. If you teach people to expect value for their (tax) money, they may get a touch upset if so much of it simply goes into wealth transfers to someone else.

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