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Comment Re: Intermediate species, furin cleavage, arginine (Score 1) 208

I concluded my talk with mention of HCoV-NL63, with a preprint of an NIH paper (not out of peer review) that (convalescent) plasma of people who had been recently infected with HCoV-NL63 was highly effective against SARS-CoV-2. I asked what Jenner would have done with this knowledge, and concluded with the words that "it is the doom of our species (man) that we forget." Yes, I quoted Excalibur.

Comment Re: Intermediate species, furin cleavage, arginine (Score 1, Troll) 208

First of all, you have googled where I did not, and I trust your summary. Second, I gave a talk this week on Edward Jenner, variola, and vaccina, so I know full well that we face nothing of the threat that our ancestors faced daily - SARS-CoV-2 is little more than a bad flu season, when variolation meant 3% fatality, and natural variola was well over 20%. Third, while some sources in the Wade article might be compromised, we are all fumbling in the dark for what has happened this year, and the guilty parties (my own country included) will not tell the truth. I am not ready to discount these assertions.

Comment Intermediate species, furin cleavage, arginine (Score 1, Troll) 208

All of these questions emerge from the article by Nicholas Wade that I found via Hacker News. I understand that the author (Wade) was the science editor for the New York Times for some years.

The lack of evidence for an intermediate species is no evidence of lack, but the timetable casts increasing doubt:

"...both the SARS1 and MERS viruses had left copious traces in the environment. The intermediary host species of SARS1 was identified within four months of the epidemic’s outbreak, and the host of MERS within nine months. Yet some 15 months after the SARS2 pandemic began, and after a presumably intensive search, Chinese researchers had failed to find either the original bat population, or the intermediate species to which SARS2 might have jumped, or any serological evidence that any Chinese population, including that of Wuhan, had ever been exposed to the virus prior to December 2019. Natural emergence remained a conjecture which, however plausible to begin with, had gained not a shred of supporting evidence in over a year.

Furin cleavage is discussed prior to the arginine question:

"Human cells have a protein cutting tool on their surface known as furin. Furin will cut any protein chain that carries its signature target cutting site. This is the sequence of amino acid units proline-arginine-arginine-alanine, or PRRA in the code that refers to each amino acid by a letter of the alphabet. PRRA is the amino acid sequence at the core of SARS2’s furin cleavage site... of all known SARS-related beta-coronaviruses, only SARS2 possesses a furin cleavage site. All the other viruses have their S2 unit cleaved at a different site and by a different mechanism. "...bat SARS-related beta-coronaviruses evidently don’t need a furin cleavage site to infect bat cells, so there’s no great likelihood that any in fact possesses one, and indeed none has been found so far. "Since 1992 the virology community has known that the one sure way to make a virus deadlier is to give it a furin cleavage site at the S1/S2 junction in the laboratory,” writes Steven Quay, a biotech entrepreneur interested in the origins of SARS2. “At least 11 gain-of-function experiments, adding a furin site to make a virus more infective, are published in the open literature, including [by] Dr. Zhengli Shi, head of coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

As I understand it, the humanized codon for argenine unpacks and primes the spike, prior to attachment to ACE2:

"Human cells like to designate arginine with the codons CGT, CGC or CGG. But CGG is coronavirus’s least popular codon for arginine... "The insert is the sequence T-CCT-CGG-CGG-GC. The CCT codes for proline, the two CGG’s for two arginines, and the GC is the beginning of a GCA codon that codes for alanine... "Only 5 percent of SARS2’s arginine codons are CGG, and the double codon CGG-CGG has not been found in any other beta-coronavirus. So how did SARS2 acquire a pair of arginine codons that are favored by human cells but not by coronaviruses?"

I invite you to read the entire article. I wish that Rand Paul had used far greater specifics in confronting Dr. Anthony Fauci with these incongruous facts earlier this week in congressional hearings.

Comment Amazon App Store? (Score 1) 40

Are these developers able to move their app to the Amazon App Store, and retain (some percentage of) their paying users?

Google does not prevent the installation of the Amazon App Store on most Android devices, although Google will see logs of all users who install it.

This is exchanging one walled-garden for another. There are other app stores but I would guess that Amazon will handle subscriptions the best.

Comment Microsoft POSIX, XENIX (Score 1) 220

Windows NT was originally implemented with three separate "userlands" which were: OS/2, Win32, and POSIX.

Broad software compatibility was initially achieved with support for several API "personalities", including Windows API, POSIX, and OS/2 APIs – the latter two were phased out starting with Windows XP. Partial MS-DOS and Windows 16-bit compatibility is achieved on IA-32 via an integrated DOS Virtual Machine – although this feature is not available on other architectures.

This is on top of Microsoft XENIX, the market leader in UNIX sales at several points before Microsoft sold the division.

Comment Soleimani (Score 1) 130

An important question is the location of my country's attack on Qasem Soleimani. This took place within the borders of Iraq.

Many here assert that Iran's goal is the lifting of sanctions. Another has undoubtedly been to establish a realm of control across Northern Arabia to the Mediterranean and beyond, inclusive of what we call the "occupied territories," in (apparent) addition to Yemen and perhaps even the Shiite regions of the country of Saudi Arabia (which happen to include the majority of the oil deposits).

Israel appears to have obtained tacit support of Sunni power structures in many countries for apparently carte blanc hostility against what the allied interests perceive as a common enemy. Iran seems anxious to create a new Parthian Empire, and the objects of their desire want none of it.

I personally regret the decision of my country to destroy the Iranian democracy in 1953 to further the interests of British Petroleum (BP) among other regional goals. Still, solid improvement in the sphere of national relations and free trade is undercut by manifest destiny. These goals are not compatible.

Submission + - Parallel shells with GNU xargs: escape from POSIX.2 (

emil writes: One frustration with the UNIX shell is the inability to easily schedule multiple, concurrent tasks that correctly utilize CPU cores and resources presented on modern systems.

POSIX.2 job control originated in the csh as written by Bill Joy in 1978, when multiprocessor UNIX was not generally available. POSIX shell jobs do not report or allocate available CPUs, error handling is not robust, and the lack of system-wide scheduling allows any user to issue background jobs which overwhelm a machine (either on their own or in concert with others).

GNU xargs extends POSIX with the -P argument, allowing primitive CPU allocation with an adjustable number of background processes consuming a larger pool of shell commands. With an example of xargs-orchestrated gzip outperforming multithreaded pigz on a large dataset, scripting pitfalls and filesystem fragmentation effects are demonstrated, while proving benefits for compute-intensive uses of the POSIX shell.

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