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Comment Re:Don't blame the people, blame the environment (Score 0) 614

Exactly, I'm a getxr, and all I was hearing at the time of my early youth was, yeah... you guys are all a bunch o' slackers. Then the computer revolution happened. It's also a mistake to blame on the M gen, they inherited a f'd up world, after all the thievery happened, bail outs, what not. There needs to be a change in the system, our inept and greedy politicians, many of them anyway, and the ones that want to try to do the right thing can't. We are screwed. I really hope I'm wrong, but it's going to get a lot worse for a lot longer before it may get better.

Comment Re:Because... (Score 0) 614

Well, not exactly. It's still one of the wealthiest nations. The problem was that the so called 'trickle down' economics. When they sported that term I knew that this was meant as an insult. What they really meant was not that if you give more money to the 0.01%, eventually they will spend more and that will reach the lower classes all the way down to the bum leaving under the bridge, but, it was more like, let's pee on all this idiots and watch the piss trickle down on them and lets have a great laugh about it. Fuck these imbecile politicians and related thieves that conspired to... too much to type... figure out the rest...

Comment Re:Standard of living (Score 0) 614

Mostly good points. I agree with most of them. Except when you say 'you.' You caused all this ef-ups, and such. I think that you mean it as if these people you refer to had any say in the decision making process. Those decisions were made for us and continue to be made for us by a number of people we don't even know or see, and even when we do, it's not like we have a lot of power to effect any significant change. Yes, it's very frustrating, but let's not get carried away and shift blame on the little or even median people. I'm a genXer and I see what the future is going to be like, I have two children and I'm planning on staying in the work force for a lot longer and my children are probably going to live with me, for as long as they need to or want. And I look forward to that, not an issue for me, on the contrary. On the other hand, besides our country getting fucked by the fucking politicians and fucked up and greedy and corrupt corporations and a few individuals (Fuck them All) I think that part of this mess is also due to globalization. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it was a logical step. The issue with it is how it's being handled since now the current political and economic systems do not seem to be compatible with the changes we have experience. Our system is obsolete. It would be nice if we could adapt it to this changes. However, I'm not at all optimistic that this will happen so willingly.

Comment Re:I'm totally shocked... (Score 0) 614

When you only talk about percentages in expenditure, you miss the point. That datum is meaningless. What matters is that the percentage is based on low ball figures of taxation that the govermin receives because of tax dodger corporations and 0.01% individuals that have the means and gull to pursue these nefarious activities at the expense of the rest of us. So what?! 53% percent of a little is just that. On another note thought... I don't really know what the real numbers are, but that number seems really high, but then you said HHS and SS, they're not exactly the same thing, one is more or less welfare and the other is pensions. The now extinct middle class ended up footing most of the bill, so the later increases in tax were done for us. The very rich don't even blink about this, and the very poor are the receivers of those benefits. Nothing wrong with helping those in need, if, and only if, it can be done fairly. Fairly is not, when those with the means are able to circumvent decency by filling the pockets of politicians so that they can pass very complex laws most of us cannot understand, and only benefit those in the 0.01% or whatever the number is. Class warfare already happened, continues to happen, we already lost, and we don't yet know it.

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