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Comment Re:Call it... (Score 2) 263

The name doesn't matter, it's all about bigger bang for the buck. ;-)

No it's not. It's about spending a lot more bucks to get a bigger bang.

And the fact that the idea "stood out as a favorite" at a meeting of particle physicists is not particularly relevant. The money has to come from somewhere, and that "somewhere" is probably going to be at the expense of many other science and engineering projects.

Sure, on one level it's interesting. The probable discovery of the Higgs Boson was interesting. But if (as implied by the summary) that's really the main reason the LHC was needed, though... I don't think it was worth the money. They could've gotten a "bigger bang for the buck" by dispersing the $6 billion to many, many other researchers in other fields.

Comment Re:Be Proactive (Score 2) 361

I can vouch for this approach.

I was in a similar situation, except I wasn't a contractor. I had a manager whose memory was terrible - legendarily terrible. We had weekly meetings (one that was just him and me, one that was the whole group); but he and I kept banging heads because "he didn't know what I was working on".

After a couple years of that, I started sending him an email at the end of each week that very briefly touched on everything I'd worked on that week. It didn't cover any new information that wasn't already discussed in our one one one meetings; but it basically completely solved the problem. When we'd talk, half the time he still didn't remember what I worked on... but he remembered that I sent that email.

Comment Re:Google Glass = No Service, No Admittance (Score 1) 211

Will they refuse to interact with any business that uses security cameras? That will make it very difficult to remain in business as any sensible warehouse, manufacturer, or supplier will use security cameras.

If that warehouse operator, manufacturer, or supplier insisted on carrying an active camera with them whenever they came onto the customer's own premises - yeah, I imagine the customer might quite reasonably refuse to do business with them.

Comment Re:Right... (Score 4, Interesting) 211

One can be opposed to the "Google" part without being against the "Glass" concept - although I do somewhat lean in the direction you mention anyway (I've got a smartphone and don't really see the added value here).

I would not be opposed, in theory, to something like Google Glass that was completely under my control. But I've come to realize that using free services from companies like Google and Facebook means I also have to give away something I'd prefer they not have - more or less unfettered access to much of my personal data. And, perhaps more importantly, I've learned that even if I choose not to use those services, they're slurping up my information without my consent (via shadow profiles) if any of my acquaintances are using their services.

Comment Wood burners are their own worst enemy (Score 4, Informative) 1143

We have a wood stove. We haven't used it much for a couple years; but when we did, we did our best to let our wood dry out for a year before burning, and also to keep our fires hot and well oxygenated. As such, you generally wouldn't see smoke coming out of our chimney, just hot air. (That still releases some particulates, I realize)

But a lot of people around here burn wood that's been cut fairly recently, so it still contains a lot of moisture. On top of that, they often manage room temperature by damping - limiting the air flow to the fire . Both practices throw huge amounts of smoke/particulates into the air. I always cringe when I go by a house with smoke belching out the chimney as if it were an old coal-burning freight train.

People bitch and moan about the government meddling in their homes, but in this case it's their own fault. We all have to breathe that exhaust.

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