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Comment Re:Always the best (Score 1) 221

an Ipod or Ipod touch would distort at about 75%

I call B.S.

I plug my iPod Touch into a Bose Wave (another device hated by audiophiles) and it sounds crystal clear at 100% output. In fact, I think it's foolish to output at anything less than 100% when you're listening through speakers, because then you are forcing that system's amplifier to work harder, which does introduce distortion.

Comment Re:Poor metropolitan area (Score 1) 168

Yes, and the power outages are caused by overhead (rather than underground) power lines that are severed when one of our many large, beautiful trees fall on them. However, I think that if you compare this area to others with similar climate/foliage, we still fall short. The large state roads around here were not plowed for DAYS following the Snowpocalypse this past winter. (And then when they were finally plowed, the plowing was done poorly and left many roads with huge ruts and sudden narrowings.) I've lived in this area for most of my life (since the 1960s), and it's worse now than it ever was before.

Comment Martin Gardner mattered (Score 4, Insightful) 96

In the 1970s and early 80s, before the internet, before personal computers, nothing linked geeks together more than Martin Gardner's monthly column in Scientific American. I amazed myself with his binary card deck, and collected matchboxes to make a tic-tac-toe learning computer.

His work will live on. I'm sitting next to a shelf full of his books as I type this.

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