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Comment Re:Humans (Score 0) 384

Yeah this is exactly why people have a real problem with ubiquitous spy networks.

I have a real problem with them not only because of that, but because I simply don't want my privacy to be violated. I see the mere collection of this data as an abuse in and of itself.

Comment Re:More evidence (Score 3, Interesting) 384

They need security software that cannot be bypassed that logs everything in incorruptible logs for future review, and auto-stored at multiple sites without delete communication (someone at any given site cannot send out a signal to alter or delete logs at other sites.)

No. We need to get rid of the entire organization and get rid of the system they have in place to wiretap to begin with.

Comment Re:Only _girl_friends? (Score 0) 384

Isn't the right to life the most basic right of all?

I do not want the government to violate our rights to keep us safe. And to begin with, it isn't the government that's violating that "basic right" of which you speak, so it's an utterly irrelevant point when you're talking to people who don't want the government violating our rights.

Comment Re:Constitution-worship (Score 0) 524

The debate is mostly whether or not it should be CALLED marriage. Is this really THAT important?

Not so much. Words have multiple meanings, but religious imbeciles can't stand it when someone uses 'their' precious word in ways that they don't like. If we're not going to call it "gay marriage," then normal marriage should be renamed as well.

Comment Re:Constitution-worship (Score 3, Insightful) 524

Our sometimes flagrant disregard of the Constitution has not produced chaos or totalitarianism; on the contrary, it has helped us to grow and prosper.

We're slipping towards a police state and he says this nonsense? Yes, just ignore the damn thing; we've done so in the past, so it's okay!

Comment Re:If you are afraid to be known for your comments (Score 0) 582

If you are afraid to be known for your comments and insist on posting anonymously, then your credibility isn't worth shit and your comments are, for the most part, not worth consideration.

And if an AC claims that 1 + 1 = 2, he must be wrong, or not credible! Yeah!

Or maybe they're not "afraid" of identifying themselves (Seriously, how hard or scary would it be to make an account? Do you think you're a tough guy or something?) but simply don't want an account and want people to interpret each of their messages in ways that don't involve taking into accounts all the other posts they've made.

Identify yourself or be laughed at and ridiculed.

Thanks for identifying yourself, msobkow.

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