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Comment It's obvious right? (Score 1) 510

Our governments are ran by some of the stupidest fear-mongering bastards that walk the planet. The only people who are worse are those that blindly follow and listen because "they're the government and they must be right". I'm tired of this bullshit. Laws are invented by those who know nothing and have no other way to spend their time than limiting the freedoms of others. "I don't understand what they're doing, so they must be terrorists. We're the government so we have proprietary rights to anything we want- and that includes your attention". Fuck these idiots. Snowden has brought the truth of our world leaders' intentions to light, and for that he is a hero. The only ones in true danger now are those in charge of the countries we live in. The only thing saving them right now is their practiced and refined ability to promote a police state while distracting our thoughts toward the innocent children. The headline "Snowden fucks little boys" gets more attention than "US Gov is listening to your conversations", and only the latter is true. Does no one know libel when it's smacking them in the face? Are WE that fucking stupid?

Comment Wait, Jellyfish? (Score 1) 149

Jellyfish attacks? They don't seem like they'd be the best at "attacking" people, but rather just floating close to shore and people swimming into them. It seems like people are provoking the jellies on accident and they're passively fighting back. Now we're setting killer robits out into the wild depths. What's next? Sharks? That would be horrible, but it makes sense according to the logic that if it attacks - kill it!

Comment Around and around we go (Score 1) 88

We are cycling around a wheel of and racing to reinvention. All of Canonical's efforts could have been paired up with Wayland to make a one-size-fits-all display server and it probably would have been finished and ready to deploy by this point. It's opposition like Mir that is stagnating much needed innovation. I imagine Canonical's thoughts going something like "Oh, since Wayland isn't moving fast enough - even though it's been in development for years - we'll just make our own, from scratch." If they didn't think it'd cost them this much effort, then they're more arrogant than I thought. The one thing about them I've learned over the years is they love biting off more than they can chew - only to spit it right back out onto the plate. If there is one positive thing to come out of this is that it lit a fire under Wayland's butt.

Comment Age is relative (Score 1) 299

...but I'd say 10 sounds like a good age. Children are logical enough by this point usually - and can ask the right kinds of questions and follow the programming structure, especially in more simple languages like Python. At very least they're comprehensive of if statements and would probably have a fun time with loops!

Comment Re:Well that's that (Score 2) 329

They actually specified that Chromecast would NOT be able to play local content from the very beginning. I guess their original code allowed for that, but it was never intentional. It makes sense that their first update would be to stop local content, which I find to be pretty dumb, but probably easily hackable. If you guys need to use "Chromecast"s functionality, I'd recommend keeping an eye on applications like CheapCast. They're working to put Chromecast functionality into Android. I only heard of them fromt Linux Action Show and haven't tried them, but things seem promising.

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
