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Comment Re:Correction: Not Russia (Score 1) 111

Yes, because that's what they did, throughout the Russian empire, the USSR, and after,

Maybe you forgot, but I told you that Korolev had Russian ethnicity in his ID documents. In the USSR every one had his ethnicity written down in his ID document (which you declared yourself when you got the passport). But you said "and after". In the post-USSR Russia, your ethnicity is not written anywhere. You do not have it in your passport anymore

Comment Re:Correction: Not Russia (Score 1) 111

In the late 1920s and 1930s, proudly declaring yourself Ukrainian in any way that might even slightly smell of nationalism would be a great way to become murdered by the state. Seriously, do you have no conception of the history of the area you're talking about?

Bullshit. You are making things up and outright lying.There were tens of million of people who identified as Ukrainian in the USSR. And in the census of 1926 in the USSR 31,194,976 people identified as Ukrainian. Nobody killed you for identifying as Ukrainian. Even Brezhnev (head of the USSR 1964-1982) had "Ukrainian" in his passport and he was born in 1906 same as Korolev. You just went to office and told the clerk your ethnicity and he wrote it down in passport. Nobody cared. It was a different thing if you were trying to promote the idea of independent Ukraine. But just to call yourself Ukrainian... It was normal and common, no one feared to do that.
And in the 1920s there was the process of so called "korenizatsiya" when on the contrary they were forcing people in Ukraine to teach Ukrainian and to use Ukrainian for official purposes even in the Russian speaking parts of Ukraine.

This policy was implemented even in areas with large Russian-speaking populations; for instance, all children in Ukraine were taught in the Ukrainian language in school.

It was in fact beneficiary to identify as Ukrainian if you wanted to reach a high position in Ukraine.
It is you who have no conception of the history of the area you're talking about
Later on they stopped with "korenizatsiya" but local languages still were taught in the schools, the heads of the SSRs were still had to be of the titular ethnicity of the respective SSRs and so on.
Bolsheviks were not such Russian nationalists as you trying to portray them. If they were they wouldn't have created all those "republics" for all those ethnicities. They wouldn't have renamed Russia to the USSR

Comment Re:Russia? (Score 1) 111

The Russian historians took all their information from the Soviet archives which are in Moscow. This is there information on losses of the USSR is stored for the obvious reasons. Not in Ukraine. Where Ukrainian "historians" take their information - who knows. And do you really think that Ukrainians do not have incentives to inflate everything that favors Ukraine? But it is them who you are tend to believe

Comment Re:Correction: Not Russia (Score 1) 111

You just told in your other comment that "individual SSRs free agency was only on paper", right? And now you say "other SSRs played important roles". Everything was decided in Moscow. And Baikonur was built in Kazakh SSR only because big people in Moscow decided to built it there. Scientists and engineers and builders went there and built it there.
Did Korolev identified as Ukrainian - who knows. His mother was a teacher of Russian language. His ethnicity in his documents was Russian. He was born in the country which name was "Russia" in 1906, not Ukraine. But that doesn't matter in fact. The USSR was Russia renamed by Bolsheviks to the USSR in 1922, that is why you in the west continued to call it Russia. And the USSR's space program was one big organization with its center in Moscow. The USSR science and education was inherited from pre revolution Russia's science and education. Korolev studied in Moscow and then worked near Moscow in what is now Russian "Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia"".

Comment Re:Russia? (Score 1) 111

I'm talking about Military dead and not civilians because I am replying to the comment about who defeated Germany.

some Ukrainian historians

Some Ukrainian historians say the Ukrainians existed already when Herodotus lived. Or it was the Ukrainians who dug up the Black Sea and some other ridiculous theories.

Comment Re:Russia? (Score 3, Informative) 111

I was talking about military losses (dead soldiers).
Per the table "Deaths by Soviet republic", "Military Dead" column
Total USSR 10,700,000
Ukrainian SSR 1,650,000

which means 15% for Ukraine

Also, see column "Deaths as % 1940 Pop" in the same table. It is 16% for Ukraine (civilians + military). Where did you get 21%?

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