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Comment Re:Not born with a map? (Score 0) 26

I think you've just solved the age-old puzzle of why species in different places had different color patterns. So far, everyone thought it was due to adaptive radiation and stuff, but of course, that is nonsense. Everyone sane knows that God created the world 6e3 years ago or so. Therefore, what logically happened was that birds migrated using the patterns on their bodies as maps, with the same-patterned birds ending up in the same place. Makes perfect sense!

Comment Re:What is the problem? (Score 1) 89

The portrayal of behavioral addiction as just being due to the addict being weak-willed has not been current for several decades. If you know any psychologists, I would suggest asking them about the subject -- it's quite interesting. There are methods of treating addiction, but telling them to just quit doing it is very rarely successful.

Most addicts initially made poor choices to get themselves into the situation that they are in. But once they are, they need help to get back out. We don't deny people medical care if they injure themselves in pursuit of an extreme sport, for instance -- so why deny people medical help to recover from an addiction?

Comment Re:Work Hard? (Score 4, Insightful) 459

This is absolutely ludicrous. This happens in *every* generation. Every generation says to their children: "we were better mannered, we didn't have premarital sex, we didn't have teenage sex, people didn't do drugs, we worked harder...". Apparently, they also had shorter memories (and in those case when they actually did work longer and harder (19th century), they had to because the productivity was lousy).

Also, I've noticed that "work ethic" is a shibboleth of religious wackos. Any other, normal, non-sociopathic person simply values high output per unit of effort without feeling the need to make such a fuss about it. It's simple economy.

Comment Re:What is the problem? (Score 3, Insightful) 89

So what is the problem? Some people will always be happy to find a time sink.

An addiction is not just a "time sink." It's an addiction when you can't stop a behavior, even when it is harming your life.

Acknowledging that some people are addicted to internet usage, and need help, is not the same as saying that the internet is "bad." There's no need to get so defensive about it.

Comment Addiction shmadiction? (Score 5, Insightful) 89

A 'digital detox' is when the patient is cut off from any Internet connection or computer use for 72 hours. For many, the thought of being disconnected from the Internet may feel like a vacation. But for those with the addiction, they can face withdrawals similar to those seen in people addicted to marijuana.

For some of us, the thought of 72 hours without a book - or some written text in general - is equally frightening. Also, the authors are apparently confused by the distinction between online games and the Internet at large.

Comment Amen (Score 3, Insightful) 1255

I agree 100%. I actually moved to a better town to get my kids into a better school. The local school from my former home town had a crackhead blow his brains out on the playground. The kids found him the next day inside a playground feature. Allison can eat a bag of dicks.

And hey! If you really want to have a better school experience for everyone - take 5% of the defense budget and put it into schools. It would probably be 100 times the money they're used to having.

Garbage in, garbage out. So forgive me if I don't feel like playing. I'd like my kids to wind up better than the baggy pants wearing drug addled dipshits from my previous home town.

And good luck to you. I hope you get your children into the best place they can be.

Comment Re:Pseudoscience debunked? (Score 1) 374

This (^^^) is a nonsensical comment. There are certainly many things you can measure in psychology. Why, according to your views, apparently any study of human feelings themselves is impossible simply because feelings are involved! Your examples are meaningless as well. Science is primarily a very specific method for gaining knowledge, which your "examples" don't reflect at all. This has nothing to do with numbers.

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