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Comment Re:No one wants to waste money to justify real est (Score 3) 64

I've been working remotely for years, well before the pandemic. It definitely makes me more productive.

Yeah, I'll admit it, sometimes I might be distracted during a meeting, or even spend "work time" on personal stuff. But you know what? Hell, _this morning_ I was playing Elite Dangerous on my VR headset, while waiting for a load test to finish. But that's balanced by the fact that I'm also more willing to work in the evenings or even on the weekends, depending on the circumstance. When I worked at a physical office, I was desperate to go home at 5. I was exhausted from sitting, exhausted from being around people, and I was starving. And once I was home, that was it--I was absolutely not going to touch anything related to work.

But while working from home, I'm so much more willing to work outside normal business hours. If I didn't make as much progress on my work task as I'd like that day, why not jump back on it after I eat dinner, when I'm rested again? Or how about working on something for an hour or two on a weekend? Not a big deal to just walk into my home office and take care of something.

Comment Re:What's the problem to be solved here? (Score 2) 164

Holy shit, where do I even begin with this? You seem convinced that vegetarianism is bad for one's health. Is that why there are 1.5 billion healthy vegetarians in the world? Or how about that plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in a general population. Or how about the fact that our closest ancestors, the great apes, eat almost entirely plant-based diets?

Let me explain to you the problem this fake meat is fixing. It's a problem of physics. Virtually every calorie of energy powering your body came from the sun. Plants turned that sunlight into biomass, then an animal ate the plants, then you ate the animal. And who knows, maybe a different animal will eat you. The problem with this, with each one of these steps only 10% of the energy is actually transferred, the rest is lost to entropy. This is the reason you can feed way more people with plants than you can with meat; this is the reason why most of the agriculture of the united states goes towards feeding animals; this is why most of the deforestation of the Amazon is for grazing land for cattle; and this is the reason why meat--if it wasn't for government subsidies that artificially lower its cost--is much more expensive, and much more wasteful, to produce than plant-based food.

The world literally cannot sustain every human eating as much meat as the average American does.

Comment Re:Give it up Trumpsters (Score 1) 629

You're right. The election will be such a joke that you and all your liberal buddies should just stay home. You guys got this. Seriously. Just stay home. It won't matter.

Liberals are typically well educated and good at critical thinking (certainly better than conservatives. After all, being a conservative by definition means you've chosen not to think for yourself but to go along with what your ancestors thought). As a result, you can be assured that most liberals realize what an incredibly bad president Trump would be. Indescribably bad. Probably the worst in all of American history. They will show up to vote against him.

Hell, have you seen how many conservatives are against Trump too? He's going to lose by such a landslide.

Comment Hey maybe ComCast will speed up Google too then (Score 2) 43

So the other day, my internet was very slow, I did a speed test on speedtest.net, and it reported about 25Mpbs, which is exactly what my internet is supposed to be.

But it didn't seem right, because every site was painfully slow. So I went to speedof.me and did a speed test, and I was getting like 1.5Mbps, which was definitely more accurate.

The other day I overheard a Comcast commercial where they mentioned that they're number 1 on speedtest.net. So, I came to the very obvious conclusion that Comcast deliberately makes sure to un-throttle your internet when doing a speedtest on speedtest.net (and who knows where else).

Comment Re:It's all so confusing... (Score 2) 165

John Oliver did a show last year where he mentioned that Tom Wheeler, head of the FCC, was a former telecom lobbyist. He then said that it was like hiring a dingo to watch over your baby.

Tom Wheeler responded by saying he was not a dingo.

I guess he was speaking metaphorically and literally when he said that.

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