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Comment Re:Maybe some stuff should simply not be on online (Score 1) 85

That would work great until Obama went to electronic medical records; now there is no such thing as "Air-Gapped" and "Medical Records". I know that sounded snarky, but everything has advantages and disadvantages and Obama only did something that was going to happen whether he did it or someone else.

Comment Re: Howzabout a Parental Controls (Score 2) 122

That's a disingenuous argument, Advertisers don't seem to care when their billboard ads are next to a whorehouse or a chop-shop. Some companies primary demographic is attracted to " controversial content". If Google was really smart they could they could tailor ad presention to a fine degree and use it as a value added tier of adverts.

Comment Re:That's how self-censorship works (Score 5, Informative) 122

One of their (Youtube's) gimmicks is they demonetize a video on spurious grounds, but still show ads around the video. The Content Provider appeals and prevails, but only after the video has had 80% of it's views already, do they get remonetized but don't get the revenues during the time they were erroneously demonetized. They banned Steven Crowder for "Medical Misinformation" over quoting the CDC website.

Comment Re: So the origin was classified and kept secret? (Score 1) 194

If it came from a lab, then we either need to outlaw labs with severe swift and harsh penalties, or we need regulations to conduct non-harmful research only. Why the fuck dont you get that? The Covid pandemic was terrible and many lost their lives. If this was the result of government action, then whatever party and whomever was behind the decisions to create it, need to be disbanded, by force if necessary. More people died from COVId-19 than NAZI Germany. MAGA bullshit? How about go fuck yourself.

We did outlaw it.

"States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention undertook “never in any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain:
1. microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes;
2. weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict.” Biological Weapons Convention

Pretending GOF, Gain of Function research, isn't BW, Biological Weapons research quickly gets disingenuous after you kill a few million people, and the weasel words don't work for long.

Comment Re:Where's the energy to do this going to come fro (Score 1) 107

Sure, but... trying to suck CO2 out of the air with little machines is like trying to bail out the ocean with a thimble.

Good point, also anything I can do to reduce my "carbon footprint" is also trying to bail out the ocean with a thimble. Furthermore if the entire US were zero emission it would still be trying to bail out the ocean with a thimble. So fuck it we wont do anything.

Comment Re:Even more efficient - get the CO2 from the wate (Score 1) 107

Adding NaHCO_3 to an acidic solution results in the release of bubbles: Alka-Seltzer. Those bubbles are... wait for it... CO_2.

The oceans Are Not Becoming Acidic, they are becoming very slightly less basic. Seawater naturally has sodium carbonate / bicarbonate and calcium carbonate buffer systems, algae and bacteria use the carbonate and bicarbonate ions as a source of carbon to build themselves.

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