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Comment Re:For those of you that claim comments are useles (Score 1) 472

It is very difficult to write "self-documenting" code in assembler. Most variables are not even named (registers).
Also, people usually do assembler for a reason, either it is for heavy optimization or direct hardware access. In both case there is usually a lot of things behind the code that is not visible. For example situations where there is a good reason for doing b+a instead of a+b are much more common in assembler than in high level languages.

Comment Re:Not defending them, (Score 1) 294

Your story is just about a clueless salesman.
The problem is not that he did price discimination, it is that he did it wrong. And I wouldn't be surprised if this story was just a cautionary tale.

In some contexts, such as bazaars, bargaining and thus price discrimination is part of the culture. Yield managment, another form of price discrimination commonly used with plane tickets, also seem to be well accepted.

Comment Re:CRC (Score 1) 440

With a UNIX shell :

find . -type f -exec md5sum '{}' ';' > md5_list
perl -e 'while (<>) { /(\w+)/; push @{$d{$1}}, $_; } for (values %d) { print @{$_} if (@{$_} > 1); }' < md5_list

First command makes a list of all files with their MD5 checksum. With 4.9 TB of data, il will probably take a full day to complete but it is completely unattended and you only have to do it once.
The second command lists all duplicates and is much faster.

Comment Re:We invented the flying car decades ago. (Score 1) 317

The flying part is not really a problem. Most people can fly small aircraft after and with mass production techniques, they can be cheap.
The problem is making small aircraft as convenient as cars. It means being able to reach most places without needing an additional mean of transportation and travel in most whether conditions.
Also, talking about flying cars usually implies that a significant part of the population have one. It implies very crowded airspaces that current rules and training can't accommodate. Wake turbulence may become a problem too.

Comment Re:Let me know how that works out for you .... (Score 1) 673

He is talking about upgrading, nor repairing.
And usually, upgrading a CPU is not a good idea. It is often closely tied to the RAM and Motherboard and even if you find a compatible CPU, if will probably not perform to its full potential, being limited by the chipset and RAM. Also, your old CPU will certainly become useless, whereas the combo CPU+RAM+Motherboard is easier to reuse.

Comment Do you want thrill or confort ? (Score 1) 382

If you miss the high class, comfortable way of flying, just go first class. It won't change the fact that flying is now mainstream but at least the on-board service won't be that of a "flying bus".
If you miss the thrill of early flying try to make a trip in a small aircraft like a cessna. Not very comfortable but it is certainly a thrill. No airport security, no luggage check, it's just you and the pilot.

Comment Re:Let the lawsuits begin.. (Score 1) 303

- Because it is too big.
- Because it is more expensive
- Magnets are not without problems. I often carry my phone next to my credit card and the magnets in the mag-safe port are strong enough to erase the magnetic strip.
- A phone (or ipod nano !) is much lighter than a laptop. The benefit of having a connector that snaps off when pulled accidentally is greatly reduced. Either the connector will be too weak to hold well in normal situations or it wont prevent the device from falling.

They just need to support the connector properly and it won't break. Because it contains no moving parts, the micro-usb connector can be made pretty sturdy.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 266

There is certainly a higher risk than usual but these monitors are nearly half price.
So even if you break one monitor and have to buy another one, it is just like paying full price.

If you don't want to take risks (even if the expected value is positive) you can probably buy extra insurance.

Comment Re:So, always on DRM? (Score 4, Insightful) 184

The key here is "all the paid content". And I believe it actually means "all the paid content purchased on the official Ouya store". If the device is rootable, nothing prevent developers from making an alternate store that doesn't require authentication.

I think they will use the same strategy as the android market. There is a licensing API but it is up to the developer to chose how to use it : it can be never, once, or every time the app is started, it also support a (configurable) grace period in case you are not always online.

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