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Journal Journal: Calling out the GOP elite 50

. . .what Ted Cruz is doing -- is signaling to the discontented that there really is another way. They can vote Republican in 2014; and, if they do so big time, there will be a correction of course.
The leadership of the Republican Party hates this. Like Jeb Bush in early 2009, they want "to get beyond Reagan." They want to surrender on immigration; they have designed a Republican healthcare bill that is little more than Romneycare writ large; and they desperately want to make nice with the Democrats. They do not really want a change of course. They merely want to take their turn as managers of the administrative entitlements state. They want to take advantage of discontent without having to commit themselves to a reduction in the size and scope of the government.

Conservatives have really been unsure whether to try to work within the GOP, or start a second national party.
Jury is still out, but stand by for RINO scalpings in the primaries.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Boortz on ObamaCare 22

Highly realist
While I agree that the Democrats are really only pursuing the demolition of our existing system, to pave the way for Single Prayer, the Dems may not want to look too incompetent while blowing up what used to be a world-class system.
To keep the mask in place a little longer, the Dems may want to bump a year to the right, or risk too great an economic blowback. The Dems need to hurt the electorate, but can't afford to enrage voters.
Thus we get all of this dishonest theater, but with a reasonable end: the voters get to figure out for 2014 if they are dumb enough to trust and empower the GOP to stake that vampire in the heart.

And here is a link to the competing GOP proposal, which, per the Holy Narrative, does not exist. If you're one of those who needs to maintain the fiction that there are no other ideas besides ObamaCare afoot, do not click that link. I do not want to be responsible for any injuries incurred while encountering truth.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Left served own dog food, not sure to which end it pertained 28

There is an unspoken sub-text at play here: what President Putin said in his column is pretty much what American liberals and leftists have been saying about the United States since the 1960s. From the standpoint of American liberals, there is nothing the least bit new or controversial in anything Mr. Putin wrote in his column. He is merely hoisting President Obama and his liberal friends by their own ideological petard.

I find the last couple of weeks a total belly laugh, modulo the slain Syrians.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Like I was saying: 'Foot off the brake' 8

The August jobs numbers are disappointing. The economy gained 169,000 non-farm payroll jobs, below the estimated figure of 175,000. Much worse, however, were the downward revisions for past months. Julyâ(TM)s job numbers went down 58,000. The total revision for June and July is 74,000 less than previously expected. Then there is the labor participation rate: It dropped to 63.2 percent. It hasnâ(TM)t been this low since 1978. Because so many people have left the work force, the percent of unemployed (i.e. those who havenâ(TM)t checked out of the job market) went down to 7.3 percent.
It is long since past the time that we can attribute feeble job growth to the financial collapse in 2008. The âoerecoveryâ started in the second half of 2009. What we see now is the Obama economy â" more people out of the job market, minimal growth and tepid job creation. The president is right â" we are no longer in a tailspin. The TARP and other financial measures that President George W. Bush put in place and Obama continued staunched the bleeding long ago. But we have a listless economy, a function of combined tax, regulatory and budget policies.

But, hey: let's start a war in Syria now, and have ObamaCare kick in next month.
Because there is no point in putting a stake in the heart of the economy if you're not going to match it with one up the sphincter. Bonus points if you can get them to make contact.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Best Syria analysis I've seen yet: it's all 2014 17

Whatever happens, this much is clear: We`re no longer talking about the IRS targeting tea party groups, the Justice Department tapping reporters` phone lines, the NSA`s surveillance programs, Benghazi. The president has smartly changed the subject to the most important decision a commander in chief makes: war.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Victory Davis Hanson identifies harsh Obama critic: Obama

Setting a series of Obama quotes over the years vs. the current Syria situation:
His concluding four analyses are astute, but I think a fifth one that varies (D) is also there: American global hegemony is just threadbare in the Information Age, and in bad need of a recalibration.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Rodeo Clown Foreign Policy Gets No Respect 4

Daladier, a classic leftist politician of the era, became Prime Minister three times. French politics were rough and tumble, with alliances made and dissolved, and little attention paid to foreign policy. There was a general refusal to acknowledge that Germany was re-arming and preparing for another round. Daladier was a voice in the wilderness. He saw the threat coming from Germany and became particularly alarmed by the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Unlike many others of his time, and today, he understood that Communists and Nazis comprised two sides of the same totalitarian coin. Daladier became PM for the last time in April 1938. By this time, the West's appeasement policies towards Hitler were firmly set. Daladier desperately tried to convince Britain's Neville Chamberlain to take a firmer stance against Hitler. Chamberlain would have none of it, and France's parlous military state prevented Daladier from striking out on his own. Chamberlain had decided to yield to Hitler's demand for the Sudetenland, and to the effective dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. Daladier argued against this, but found himself helpless to do anything but go along. To his life-long shame, Daladier became a signer of the September 1938 Munich Agreement, the now universally recognized monument to appeasement. Heading back home from Munich, Daladier assumed angry French patriots would rip him to shreds. He, instead, got a hero's welcome. Enthusiastic crowds sang his praises, prompting him to turn to an aide, and utter the famous, bitter, and prophetic words, "Ah, the fools! Why are they cheering?"
. . .
I have written before about the Obama foreign policy (here, here, and here, for example). We are firmly in the grip of an appeaser, perhaps even worse. Other countries have begun to see that quite clearly.

All I can say is that I've worked harder to restore sanity to our system the last five years than in the preceding 20. Too, you can't wholly blame Obama; the structural drivers precede #OccupyResolutDesk. Nevertheless, he'll be the one to run us aground. So, brace for shock and stand by for a rough one.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Postmodern drivel is corrosive for the mind 5

Funniest title yet this year: "Gender deniers insist Bradley Manning is a woman", linking an NRO article daring to speak truth to nitwits:

We have created a rhetoric of âoegender identityâ that is disconnected from biological sexual fact, and we have done so largely in the service of enabling the sexual mutilation of physically healthy men and women (significantly more men) by medical authorities who should be barred by professional convention if not by conscience from the removal of healthy organs (and limbs, more on that later), an act that by any reasonable standard ought to be considered mutilation rather than therapy. This is not to discount the feelings of people who suffer from gender-identity disorders â" to the contrary, those feelings must be taken into account in determining courses of treatment for people who have severe personality disorders. But those subjective experiences do not render inconsequential the biological facts: A man who believes he is a woman trapped in a manâ(TM)s body, no matter the intensity of his feeling, is no such thing. The duty of the medical profession is not to encourage and enable delusions, but to help those who suffer from them to cope with them. It is worth noting here that as a matter of law and a matter of social expectation, the fiction of sex change is treated as the paramount good: We are not expected to treat those who have undergone the procedure as men who have taken surgical and hormonal steps to impersonate women (or vice versa) but as people who have literally changed sex, which they have not â" no more than Dennis Avner, the famous âoeStalking Catâ who attempted to physically transform himself into a tiger, changed species.

If you believe this gender noise, you might also believe that life begins sometime after all of the information that defines a person is available, or that we can "use the rule of law as an instrument of human redemption".

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