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Comment Nigeriea to criminalize Prince sharing wealth (Score -1, Troll) 18

Look, I'm as big a fan of collecting a cool million dollars from a Nigerian prince.

If the Nigerian government (is that a real thing?) wants to do something useful,
Yes, that means Nigerian princes and lotteries and whatnot.

We don't give a rat's ass about your "fiber cables" and frankly if they all go damaged
and your princes couldn't send spam, that would be JUST FINE.

Comment Re:Don't sit on this bench(mark.) (Score 1) 19

I'll be impressed when one of these ML engines is sophisticated enough to be able to say "I don't know" instead of just making up nonsense by stacking probabilistic sequences

For factual questions it is relatively easy to discern through iterative prompting most of the time but this comes at a higher overhead cost.

Comment Still not better than GPT-4? (Score 1) 19

Will be interesting to try Mixtral 8x22B and llama3 70B... going to wait a few weeks for censorship removal, tuning and (franken)merges.

A llama3 400B would be crazy, looks meaningfully better than 70B from the evals but high cost... I hope they release it but that would be like a 200 GB model quantized and less than a token/sec saturating a quad channel system.

Comment Re:Don't sit on this bench(mark.) (Score 3, Interesting) 19

LLMs cannot do it. Hallucination is baked-in.

LLMs alone definitely can't do it. LLMs, however, seem (to me, speaking for myself as an ML developer) to be a very likely component in an actual AI. Which, to be clear, is why I use "ML" instead of "AI", as we don't have AI yet. It's going to take other brainlike mechanisms to supervise the hugely flawed knowledge assembly that LLMs generate before we even have a chance to get there. Again, IMO.

I'd love for someone to prove me wrong. No sign of that, though. :)

Comment Don't sit on this bench(mark.) (Score 3, Insightful) 19

I'll be impressed when one of these ML engines is sophisticated enough to be able to say "I don't know" instead of just making up nonsense by stacking probabilistic sequences; also it needs to be able tell fake news from real news. Although there's an entire swath of humans who can't do that, so it'll be a while I guess. That whole "reality has a liberal bias" truism ought to be a prime training area.

While I certainly understand that the Internet and its various social media cesspools are the most readily available training ground(s), it sure leans into the "artificial stupid" thing.

Comment Nope, not enough (Score 1) 414

8GB is barely enough even for desktop linux. Particularly once you get a browser going with the junk that passes for websites these days. I swear, some sites use that much Javascript alone. Though if you can keep things down a little it is usable. I suspect that's similar on current Macos, but I don't run it anymore so I can't say for sure. I really liked my old Macbook Pro (2010). I still use it, though mostly as a remote access terminal for my desktop Linux box. It also runs Linux these days, it's no longer supported by Apple, so to keep it updated I switched to Linux.

I believe the machine came with 4GB at the time. It was alright then. But OSX quickly ballooned past that. I bumped it up to 16GB and added an SSD, that helped a lot. I lost interest in the machines when they went to soldered down RAM/SSD. It helps that I don't need OSX/Macos/whateverItIsNow. I liked it fine, but it's gone downhill and Linux UIs have improved.

I don't know what it is about that old Macbook, but the touchpad is by far the best one I've ever used. Even on Linux. A brand new Dell supplied for work doesn't come close to matching it.

Comment Does this make it through SCOTUS? (Score 1) 59

I mean, this is basically passing a law saying that company A cannot own something. Yes, it is China nd Bytedance, but if this stands, is there anything saying they couldn't do the exact same thing to another company. Could the dems pass a bill saying Trump must sell off all his ownership of Trump Media? I mean, this seems like a REALLY bad idea.

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