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Comment Re:CFC banning is good for ozone (Score 1) 363

>the more you raise the cost of living, the more people go into poverty. This is incorrect. If you look today at just the quantity, there are more people living below the poverty line than 20 years ago but as a percentage it is much smaller. Generally the standards of living increase, even for the poorest. For example millions of more people have access to cleaner drinking water than they did a short time ago.

Comment Re:And this is why... (Score 1) 132

It's not 6%... http://www.usdebtclock.org/ Quotes US national debt at ~14 trillion. China holds ~3 trillion in US bonds. That is ~21% of our national debt. Citation:http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2011-04/23/c_13842843.htm Also, bonds aren't the only form of obligations the US sells to cover its debts. I think its safe to assume China likely owns a larger chunk of US debt than the bonds alone. In a world of nuclear weapons, economic domination is king. You may also want to look at the alliances China is trying to form with the many enemies (or barely neutral parties) the US has acquired over the years. Most recently that includes Afghanistan, though this is a work in progress. tl;dr China owns roughly 21% of US national debt through bonds alone.

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