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Comment It's hard to get comment systems right . . . (Score 1) 276

. . . especially when the needs vary with each site. I run Flayrah (a furry news/features site) and implemented a comment moderation system based on weighted ratings and user karma across comments and posts that fades and folds comments as their rating decreases. It works pretty well for us, but it took a lot of time to balance, as well as technical expertise which most site-runners don't have. Sometimes people complain about the "rule of the majority", but in practice they tend to do quite well. The alternative was more heavy-handed moderation by selected moderators, who have their own biases.

Comment Re:How else do I protect my forms (Score 1) 558

Unfortunately it's not all coming from a single IP address - there are literally thousands out there - and any one would only post as regularly as a standard user, with randomized text from large templates. You stop them at various layers - DNSBLs, CAPTCHAs, form entry field checks, link checks, specific spam text . . .

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
