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Comment Re:Lost for words (Score 1) 324

Yet, here you are, wetting your pants over people wanting to use different words to make others feel more comfortable.

They only feel more comfortable because they don't know what the word means. When they learn that it is the same as "feedback", thither comes the list of things the boss wants me to improve, they will feel the same stress. Thank you for showing that advocates are morons.

And the replacement is only a thing because they are using the original word incorrectly.

"Feedback" is only harsh in places where the content of the feedback is always harsh or negative. In the traditional sense, feedback can also be positive. In companies where management never bothers to give employees any positive feedback, over time, feedback will come to mean negative feedback, and will eventually begin to have a negative connotation.

Poor management practices have ruined a perfectly cromulent word. Rather than fix their practices, they would rather replace the ruined word with a new one. That they will also ruin.

Comment Re: Lost for words (Score 1) 324

My wife and I got certified in 2006, and I have consistently used OK rather then thumbs-up as an affirmative response above water ever since. I have been ready to explain my use of that gesture by saying "I'm a diver" but I have never needed to. If I have offended anyone with that gesture in the last seventeen years, they have kept it to themselves.

Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 91

which most software back then dealt with by licensing expensive widget libraries

No, they didn't. They used Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, or Turbo C++

Agreed. Delphi on 16-bit Windows had a crap ton of controls right out of the box, with APIs for rolling your own or installing third-party stuff that the GP alluded to.

If you are limiting yourself to what is "built into Windows", then you are severely limited, but that is a self imposed limitation. There were common control available, even if they were not particularly easy to work with.


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