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Comment Re:It's not Linux-based (Score 1) 175

Even the earliest distributions of Linux-based operating systems in the early 1990s required a couple of floppies.

From one extreme to the other. Even in the late 90s and early 00s it was possible to boot a linux system from a single floppy. Heck there's even a distribution named fd-linux. Not just the kernel either. I remember having a full network routing OS with firewall and the works boot from a single floppy.

I'm not really sure what your point is or what extremes you're referring to. You also seem to be unaware that floppy disks vary hugely in size. Common sizes on PC hardware varied from 360 KiB up to 1.44MiB. Obviously, one would need three of the former to hold as much as one of the latter. Perhaps you're trying to imply that what I said was incorrect.

According to

The earliest known distribution was by HJ Lu in early 1992. It consisted of two floppies: a “boot” disk to boot the system and a “root” disk that contained the filesystem, and from which it actually ran.

All of this is beside the point, which is that every Linux-based operating system has required many times the storage space claimed in the article.

Comment Re:It's not Linux-based (Score 1) 175

I distinctly remember Tom's rootboot, which came on a single 1.44 floppy. I used it often to fix "sick" systems, it came with a number of useful tools. So, it is certainly feasible to strip a Linux system down quite far. Ah, here it is:

You are correct that there have been Linux-based operating systems that fit in a MiB or two. That is more than one hundred times the size claimed in this ridiculous article.

Comment Re:but does it run linux? (Score 1) 175

OS image size is 30k, including a bunch of stuff IoT probably doesn't need (pre-emptive multithreading, multiple network support, multiple platform support, etc...)

So, Contiki's pretty small, though not as small as the article claims LiteOS is. Contiki's not based on Linux either, so nothing you've said is relevant.

Comment Re:It's not Linux-based (Score 1) 175

You can call it Linux even without shipping all that GNU bloatware. How large is the compiled v0.01 kernel and a bootloader for embedded systems? Since nobody is going to SSH to it, you can remove all programs, and implement your sensors and protocols as compiled-in kernel drivers.

You've obviously never built Linux. The kernel image size is at least one MiB and usually several. It's never been as small as 10 KiB.

Comment Re:but does it run linux? (Score 1) 175

Depends on how many language tricks they use to get the code size down that small. Ever see RSA implemented in a single line of Perl regex?

And how big is the Perl interpreter? On my system, /usr/bin/perl is 11KiB and that doesn't include shared libraries or a kernel. No Linux kernel image, let alone an entire OS, has ever been as small as 10KiB. The story is completely bogus.

Comment Re:Typcial (Score 1) 143

In addition to the impermissible disclosure of ePHI on the internet, OCR’s investigation found that neither NYP nor CU made efforts prior to the breach to assure that the server was secure and that it contained appropriate software protections. Moreover, OCR determined that neither entity had conducted an accurate and thorough risk analysis that identified all systems that access NYP ePHI. As a result, neither entity had developed an adequate risk management plan that addressed the potential threats and hazards to the security of ePHI. Lastly, NYP failed to implement appropriate policies and procedures for authorizing access to its databases and failed to comply with its own policies on information access management.

The details are sparse, but it doesn't sound to me that the specific doctor was any more to blame than the IT people. It's hard to imagine how deactivating one machine would expose private information if that information were on properly secured systems in the first place. The scenario I'm can easily imagine is that the machines with private information were accessed with insecure protocols and all the doctor in question did was to plug them into a more public switch or router.

Comment How many in a humanity? (Score 1) 325

I have no doubt that the North Korean government is repressive, murderous and generally not nice guys. However, whenever someone uses the phrase "crime against humanity," I wonder exactly how many humans are in a humanity. Do the Russian and Chinese governments manage to come in just under the limit, while North Korea goes over? That seems extremely unlikely, given the relative populations of those countries. Maybe it's defined by a fraction: a government can repress up to half of its citizens and just be seen as somewhat evil, but 51% becomes a crime against humanity?

Comment Re:License? (Score 1) 50

"Rogers went on to license Tetris to Nintendo, though, so he did just fine." That's the most interesting part of the story - how the best video game product of communism got sidelined into the capitalist computer paradigm.

That's a very odd way to put it. Most of us would never have heard of Tetris if it hadn't been "sidelined." It's not as if the Soviets were exporting copies of Tetris all over the world to support the global struggle against oppressive capitalism. Also, the use of the word "best" implies there was some competition. Can you name any other "video game product of communism?"

Comment Re:Pardon (Score 1) 822

I partly agree. I think he should be charged, convicted, then pardoned. Snowden should be charged and convicted because what he did should not be generally legal. He should be pardoned because he broke the law out of necessity, doing a great service to every citizen. I think the trial would be very informative. We would learn things like why the "official channels" Snowden didn't use wouldn't have produced the necessary result.

Comment Re:Forgetting (Score 1) 223

Yes, Oracle probably hasn't been as bad a Microsoft with regard to changing things that don't need to be changed. From what I understand, most of the frustration which resulted in LibreOffice forking from OpenOffice was because people didn't think Sun and then Oracle allowed contributions at a sufficient rate.

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