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Comment Re:Constitutional basis for the pork? (Score 1) 414

If you believe the government does it better than private companies your a fool. Pick up a history book.

The fact that there is no choice to using the interstate doesnt change that fact.

I do not use the post office, I dont even know when the last time I mailed a letter was. I ship things via carriers with modern tracking systems - UPS and FedEx. Not surprisingly the private companies are light years ahead of the Gov't.

Government run internet ? Get ready to fill out forms du jour, stand inline, get an "internet license", and have content regulated and commercialized to death - just like everything else they got their greedy hands into. (See: TV, Radio etc)

Politicians are (and always have been) far far more greedy than business's -- and they dont even provide you with anything in return.

Comment Re:To this whole chain of comments, I would like (Score 0) 517

EMC is actually doing quite well, and Netapp is kicking ass as well. The only shops that actually look at cost/GB as a measuring stick are small shops, or shops with very specific needs.

Large corporations, government and high tech companies are usually more concerned with management costs, retention, migration and so forth.

Not to mention getting into things like actual storage utilization - often thin provisioning and deduplication (see: Netapp) cuts your utilization so far down that you can purchase systems two or three models below what you were looking at before hand.

I cannot imagine managing multiple sites with multiple TB of data inside of just a Linux or Solaris box. Talk about a nightmare.

Operating Systems

FreeBSD 6.4 Released 64

hmallett writes "FreeBSD 6.4-RELEASE, the fifth release from the 6-STABLE branch of FreeBSD development, is now available. In addition to being hosted at many FTP sites, ISO images can be downloaded via the BitTorrent tracker, or for users of earlier FreeBSD releases, FreeBSD Update can be used to perform a binary upgrade."

Comment Re:A few thoughts (Score 5, Insightful) 540

(half my retirement funds are now gone).

Like most things in your post thats wrong. Stop believing in the Obama campaign as the source of all your financial info. The correct statements would be pick one:

My retirement fund is now worth half what it was

This recession has actually caused my retirement fund to shrink

Or my personal fave:
What the hell ! You mean we can't buy big houses, SUV's and rack up credit debt endlessly ?!?! What do you mean we have to 'compete' for jobs ? Whats this crap ?? Dont choo kno I'm an American !!!

Its time to sort the wheat from the chaff. Man the fuck up. (and spread that to your friends, and their parents too - the great depression was FAR FAR FAR worse than this and they were not whining as much as people now either.)

Comment Re:Of Course.... (Score 1) 1123

Yes, if you have 10 years experience, or a degree and a handful of experience you too can be a rack monkey at google.

Thats his point. No Ph.D. no good job, good location and involvement in good projects. Once a company becomes large enough it takes some luck to be able to move from the bottom tier to anything else, and honestly why bother if you can get a job someplace else off the bat that pays better and allows you more satisfaction (time worked, projects worked on, career growth & flexibility etc etc)


Rewriting a Software Product After Quitting a Job? 604

hi_caramba_2008 writes "We are a bunch of good friends at a large software company. The product we work on is under-budgeted and over-hyped by the sales drones. The code quality sucks, and management keeps pulling in different direction. Discussing this among ourselves, we talked about leaving the company and rebuilding the code from scratch over a few months. We are not taking any code with us. We are not taking customer lists (we probably will aim at different customers anyway). The code architecture will also be different — hosted vs. stand-alone, different modules and APIs. But at the feature level, we will imitate this product. Can we be sued for IP infringement, theft, or whatever? Are workers allowed to imitate the product they were working on? We know we have to deal with the non-compete clause in our employment contracts, but in our state this clause has been very difficult to enforce. We are more concerned with other IP legal aspects."

The Real Monsters Behind Godzilla 243

eldavojohn writes "A Wired blog looks at the real monsters behind Godzilla: his lawyers. Do you think Godzilla is basically a glorified T. Rex? Guess again, as his lawyers have tirelessly argued: 'He's erect-standing. He's got muscular arms, scaly skin and spines on back and tail and he breathes fire and has a furrowed brow, he's got an anthropomorphic torso. The T. rex has emaciated bird-like arms and stands at a 45-degree angle.' Read on to find out why they targeted the site but not Another abuse of the American trademark & copyright system? You decide — just don't make a float of him or you'll find yourself paying an undisclosed sum to Toho Co. Ltd."

Identifying People By Odor As Effective As Fingerprinting 157

A study has found that everybody has a unique body odor, like their fingerprints, that could be used as an unique identifier. The study showed that a persons unique odor stayed the same even if they varied their diet with strong smelling foods such as garlic and spices. "These findings indicate that biologically-based odorprints, like fingerprints, could be a reliable way to identify individuals," said Monell chemist Jae Kwak. I would have thought that hundreds of years of dogs tracking people would have proved this, but it's nice to know that science has figured it out officially now.

Comment prior art? (Score 1) 167

cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf |grep -B 5 404

# Customizable error responses come in three flavors:
# 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects
# Some examples:
#ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo."
#ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
#ErrorDocument 404 "/cgi-bin/"

Customizable error responses come in three flavors:
# 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects

IBM to Lay Off Half of Global Services Division 553

Rolgar writes "Cringely says that IBM has begun massive layoffs in a quiet manner, starting with 1300 employees, but by the end of the year, the total will rise to at least 100,000 and probably closer to 150,000 employees, nearly 40% of their U.S. workforce. Some people will be temporarily retained as contractors at a fraction of their salary, and eventually, IBM will also dump many of the unprofitable customer contracts worked on by Global Services or outsource the work to Asia. If these people are looking for work, that could seriously drop wages for technical workers in the US since they will have to compete with these people for available jobs."
The Courts

Andersen Vs. RIAA Counterclaims Challenged 149

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "The RIAA is now challenging the counterclaims (PDF) in Atlantic v. Andersen, for Electronic Trespass, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, Invasion of Privacy, Fraud, Negligent Misrepresentation, the tort of Outrage, Deceptive Business Practices under Oregon Trade Practices Act, and Oregon RICO, first discussed here in October 2005. The RIAA has moved to dismiss the counterclaims (PDF) brought by a disabled single mother in Oregon who lives on Social Security Disability and has never engaged in file sharing, this after unsuccessfully trying to force the face-to-face deposition of Ms. Andersen's 10-year-old daughter. Ms. Andersen's lawyer has filed opposition papers (PDF)."

Yellowstone Supervolcano Making Strange Rumblings 411

Frosty Piss writes "Supervolcanoes can sleep for centuries or millennia before producing incredibly massive eruptions that can drop ash across an entire continent. One of the largest supervolcanoes in the world lies beneath Yellowstone National Park. Significant activity continues beneath the surface. And the activity has been increasing lately, scientists have discovered. In addition, the nearby Teton Range of mountains is somehow getting shorter. The findings, reported this month in the Journal of Journal of Geophysical Research, suggest that a slow and gradual movement of a volcano over time can shape a landscape more than a violent eruption."

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