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Comment ffs (Score -1) 219

Fuck me, most of what you list appears to be teaching opinions, politics, and social norms.

Evolution? yep - scientifically established and important to understand.
Cliate change? nope - you teach physics, history, chemistry, statistics - and you have covered that.
Most of the rest of your list reads like a political grabbag of things that are WAY less important in schools than say, reading, writing, arithmetic, sports, sciences, and a range of trade based skills. FFS, art is more teachable than most of those.

What you seem to be wanting is political education - fuck right of to the the former east germany - you may like it better.

Thankfully, you are in the crazy wingnut minority of idiots - and the majority of parents are finally standing up and throwing this BS out.

Comment Yes, this makes sense... (Score 5, Insightful) 310

They don't want the BEST graduates, they want the most ethnically diverse?
They have no interest in equality of opportunity, just equality of outcome?
They don't want as many graduates as possible? (affirmative action entrants have a MUCH lower gradation rate, while still taking up places and thus excluding others)

Obviously no hidden agenda here - that makes PERFECT sense... Wait, no it doesnt.
So the billion dollar question is, why.
And no, these are corporates - its not 'because they are nice'

Comment Re: Last 7 pandemics (Score 1) 394

'In recent times, stoning has been a legal or customary punishment in Iran, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Yemen, northern Nigeria, Afghanistan, Brunei, and tribal parts of Pakistan'

You know, for terrible crimes like being homosexual, or woman having sex outside marriage.
Nothing evil there..

China has its nasty side, as do many other countries.
They certainly kill less foreign people with drone strikes that the USA, for example.
They have started less wars in the last hundred years than... well.. quite a few countries also.

Comment Re:still DEAD the PM is (Score 0) 364

I dont think you get out much.

I spend time in several countries where gun ownership is low and rules are strict.
Outside asia, gun crime is soaring, there are few places where the crims dont have them any more.

Not saying arming everyone is sane - however there seems to be a big part missing in most gun restrictions - they are aimed at removing guns from 'normal' people, while doing almost nothing to remove them from criminals.
How about automatic triple time for a gun being involved in a crime - but no.. the modern way is to pander to the criminals, and punish the victims.

Comment Re: It's called SOCIALISM (Score 1) 274

>The point is that there should be a balance. In the US that balance is heavily biassed towards the wealthy.

And in socialism its biased towards removing any reason for productivity, or effort.
Which one do you think ends up better?

The problem in the US is not capitalism, its political corruption. The two are not linked, unless you think communist countries have no corruption?

Comment Re: Not a zero sum game (Score 1) 274

You do realize that 'trading stocks' is a zero sum game right? You seem to be under the illusion that everyone can get rich doing it - but by definition, no.
Try towork out how long a working class person needs to accummulate to get to 10 million, let alone a billion.

Of course that does make this stupid 'wealth redistribution' bs from google any more sane - because they are missing the main point - reward for effort.

But hey, thats because they are mostly low effort/high reward people, who dont understand thats not always the ratio.

Comment Pots and Kettles. (Score 1) 107

There is a deep and long history of tribes in Africa and other areas slaughtering other tribes throughout history - will they also be held responsible?
In fact much of the African slave trade was enabled by stronger tribes capturing and selling weaker tribes - without that it would not have been viable. Where is their responsibility?

The same can be said for several American Indian tribes (the slaughter bit, not the slavery so much), and in fact tribes in almost all cultures, including white of course.

At what time does historical guilt stop? Is there a date? Or is it just 'only if whites did it'? What about Asians?

Cultural development is what has reduced the slaughter, equal sufferage (that means voting for those who dont know), open communication, etc.
With the exception of 'socialism' unfortunately, which has almost without exception caused a huge slide back to slaughter of any who disagree.

Isnt it interesting that those promoting 'minority rights' also tend to support the very system that has slaughtered their peoples the most.

Comment Re: hmm, sounds like quite a boost there, Butch (Score 1) 272

Now ask them to do any major work.
Servicing is so easy you should be doing it yourself if you had half a clue.
Local garage here for an engine swap on two identical VWs.. Wouldn't start. They had to pay the dealer almost as much again to 'code' the engine to the new chassis.. Took 5 minutes with their 'special' computer, but impossible without it.

Comment Re:March 2020 called (Score 0) 130

The 'Vaccines are still our best...' bs is just the disclaimer you MUST put on any COVID related research now to get it published.

There is no choice, without that, you are an anti vaxer - no matter how factual your research, and that is instant death to the point you will be locked out of your facility.

Welcome to the post-fact world.

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