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Comment Re:why? (Score 3, Insightful) 311

It's not a long stretch to imagine that you can start a userspace process long before all of the kernel drivers are initialized. It's basically a big waste of time that the kernel delays starting init to *after* all the drivers are initialized. It's a waste of time. The applications that depend on functionality of certain parts of the kernel should simply wait until those parts become available. That's all there's to it. Also, the drivers can be initialized in parallel. No reason for the network card driver initialization not to run in parallel with waiting for the scsi raid driver to come up. The console doesn't need any of that and can be started up as the first thing, even if it were a userspace driver. Kernel usually starts off an initrd image, that's where the console application would be. I think it'd be wonderful if the kernel went in this direction, not only for console but for all other drivers as well. The applications that need to wait for certain things can get notifications when drivers get ready.

Comment Re:why? (Score 0) 311

It's fine if the userspace console process will be less stable. It can restart without undue consequences! Fail fast, isolate failures. That's the way to reliable software. Ericsson people knew what they were doing when they were coming up with Erlang's approach to handling software failure. It's 20 years later and linux kernel people finally get the message. I applaud that.

Comment Re:why? (Score 3, Interesting) 311

What's wrong with it being in the userspace? At least if it crashes, it doesn't bring the whole kernel down. The process is relaunched by the kernel, and off you go. It's the Erlang mantra of reliable software: fail fast, in limited scope. I love it. That's why I'm a big fan of userspace drivers for all devices that are application-specific. Suppose you have a USB-based toy that has a vendor-specific functionality and isn't one of the standard USB device classes. You have an application for. It should only have a userspace driver bundled with the application. You start the app, it claims any USB devices it can handle, and goes from there. That's often how it's done on OS X, it's quite onpopular on Windows, unfortunately.

Comment Re:Why is it so bad? (Score 1) 167

That's what any web browser does. Flash does not run native code directly from untrusted sources, just as web browsers don't. Usually, the content exploits the bugs that let you run some binary code directly, but it's not because shipping native code around is how it was supposed to work. Both web browsers and flash players get executable content they have to compile to native code and run, or at least run on a bytecode machine.

Comment Re:I Got It! (Score 1) 538

For ATMs, you don't really need much besides a 4 or 5 digit PIN. It's not usable in any other context, and the devices that are authorized to submit PINs are somewhat regulated. Historical data shows that 4 digit PINs are sufficient at keeping bank losses at manageable levels, and that's that.

I think that all too often the technical solutions to people problems such as you propose don't really work, because at the source it's not really about any sort of an absolute impossibility, but about willingness of people to actually expend some effort on keeping them safe. We're talking about stuff that's fairly easy, but people will come up with all sorts of reasons why it's a hassle for them. No matter how simple and easy you make it, people will still claim it's a hassle. For an eye opener, read some technology and other stories from notalwaysright.com.

There's no need for biometrics, everyone has got their brain already. Use it or lose it.

Comment Re:Doesn't work (Score 1) 419

He didn't claim anything that was theoretically impossible at the time, even if it was an impractical device, and still is. I'll take hand-crank mechanical calculators and a bunch of ladies over a purely mechanical general-purpose computing machine, anytime. It's just not practical. For an idea as to how to properly use low tech computing devices and people, look no further than Feynman's involvement in the Manhattan Project.

Babbage didn't go through much hype or secrecy, nor did he bilk any investors out of their money for something impossible on its face... He was comparatively low key, non aggrandazing guy. This is in sharp conrast to all those "genius" zero-point-energy, antigravity, momentum-nonpreservation scammers.

Comment Re:I Got It! (Score 1) 538

This only works if one is not self aware and is likely to follow what other would guess is a likely thing for him/her to do. Once you're sufficiently self conscious, it doesn't take much at all to make things impossible to guess for the outsiders.

it's not hard to imagine an attack utility which tries doing nerdy transformations

Combinatorial explosion takes care of it. Yes, it's not hard to imagine such an attack utility, but only because once you actually try it, you'll see it doesnt work. You quickly approach a point where just bookkeeping where you are in your generation tree starts taking as much CPU time as trying out multiple passwords. Those "targeted" attack utilities are generally relegated to fantasy. In real life, it's very, very unlikely that anyone who is attacking you knows anything much about you. You're most likely to fall prey to simple dictionary attacks. If you're being subject to a personalized attack and they are determined enough, a crowbar password extractor is usually sufficient.

Comment Re:Doesn't work (Score 1) 419

It's not racist. It's a somewhat accurate observation of a cultural phenomenon. The same people, when brought overseas and immersed in a different culture, can do some amazing science, though. Nothing to do with race, everything to do with how people around them behave. It takes someone stupid to turn it into a race issue. It's a coincidence that the chinese happen to be of a different race. It doesn't mean anything. It's like with americans complaining, for example, about "lazy" mexicans and then there being shouts that it's racist too. Well, Mexico has a different kind of a culture, where people like to take it easier. I think they may be a bit happier not being in a rat race all the time. If one can't acknowledge life's simple pleasures and is an asocial fuck, one doesn't get it :( Sometimes when it's warm but not too hot outside I go to a park for a siesta around lunch time and I'm fine people calling me lazy for that. Yeah, I'm lazy around lunchtime in spring, so fucking what :)

Comment Re:Doesn't work (Score 3, Insightful) 419

I do know that it's tricky to do this stuff correctly, that why you should doubt yourself more when faced with supposedly extraordinary results. Doubt more, not less. All I remember from numerous labs that extraordinary results meant you'd have to keep redoing it until it got ordinary again. I'd have really thought that people who did any sort of engineering or physics undergrad labs should have had such basics explained to them. I'm playing with getting the 4th digit to agree well with theory in a simple mechanical pendulum, and the dreaded thing highlights that everything you thought could be ignored, can't. You have to engineer it to work -- look at all the numbers, for all effects you can think of, estimate their magnitudes, verify that you do in fact see the effects, and then mitigate. Good old experimental engineering. You get small but cumulative payoffs for diligence and a certain sense of accomplishment -- I do at least. Simple life's pleasures :)

This non-drive, given the power pumped into it, simply magnifies all the effects people can ordinarily ignore. It's a nice educational tool. I think good schools should add such a thing to their lab curriculum, so that the students will get some experience in how easy it is to fool oneself. There are probably other similarly spectacular experiments that would serve the same purpose, of course -- even a basic large mechanical pendulum.

I can't get over the fact that people with money who fund that sort of thing are so gullible, though. I mean, give me a fucking break, they seem to be just as gullible as the investors were 100+ years ago when faced with all sorts bullshit when the telegraph, telephone and electricity were getting into high gear. Hans Camenzind's little jewel of a book "Much ado about almost nothing. Man's encounter with the electron" is a sad testament to how little things change in that respect. The dumb will be parted with their money, all the time, all the same.

Comment Re:Doesn't work (Score 2, Insightful) 419

And for everyone still reading: that's where it all ends. Nothing more to be said. Anyone who's not deluded understands that seeing any measurable thrust in such experiments is a prima facie evidence that your experimental method is broken. The better your experiment, the less thrust you should measure. That's all there's to it. Undergrad physics lab, it sounds like -- to me at least.

There's also some indirect evidence of fraud, even if non willful. How the heck is it that all such "genius", "unappreciated" world-altering inventions go through hype, secrecy, bilked investors, and nothing ever comes out of them. Nothing. Na da. Whatever grants this guy got pretty much amount to defrauding the taxpayer. You can't do this kind of shit in good faith. Pretense of being on a verge of something big is just that. It's not about any conspiracy to maintain any sort of a status quo by the "big guys/industry/villain-du-jour", or about suppressing anything. It's just that we've got basic physics figured out quite well already, and it doesn't seem like simple experiments that don't involve billion-scale investment are really going to be redefining our basic understanding of things. There are quite few engineering accomplishments to be had with small monetary involvements, but not basic law-of-nature type experimental results in physics -- not anymore, I don't think. I'd love to be proven wrong on that, of course.

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