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Comment I Like The Idea, But... (Score 1) 333

Maybe if they fined each person who shares a fake news story, then people would start being more thoughtful before sharing news. That would get to the heart of the problem quicker. The heart of the problem being -- many people can't be bothered to learn how to identify fake news & actually think about it before sending it off to others. If people had to open their wallets each time they did it, they'd be motivated to think first & share later.

Comment White-n-Gold, Then Black-n-Blue (Score 1) 420

I originally saw it as white & gold when I saw it on a forum Thursday night, and figured it was being posted by trolls 'cause they were asking people what color it was even when it was obviously white & gold. Friday morning I saw it on the news on TV, and they explained that some people see it as black & blue. I thought that was a bit crazy, but after a few minutes, I was suddenly able to see it as black & blue......and I can switch back & forth between the two color sets if I try hard. Awesome.

Comment 3.6 BILLION? (Score 0) 48

There's only 1.357 billion Chinese, so did all of them move, and another 2.243 billion come there from outside of China, to travel across China? The article really doesn't explain where they're getting the numbers from, & I'm having a hard time believing that HALF of all humans went to Beijing for Chinese New Year. According to the article, Baidu's app was on only 200 million cell phones to be able to do this.

Comment Sign Up + Don't Do Course = No Loss (Score 1) 182

I hate to admit it, but I signed up for a few courses at some MOOCs and never did even one lesson of some of those courses. I signed up thinking it would be awesome to learn the subject I signed up for, but then when it came to the time to do it, I didn't have the time to do it. That being said, I know that if I'd paid for the course, then I definitely would've done the courses or given more thought before deciding on whether I could do the course. The way it's all currently set up, you don't have to give any thought to it before signing up besides being excited, because if you change your mind later or if you can't do it later, then you don't lose anything for it.

That being the case, I think MOOC's should charge a small fee from everyone who signs up. Maybe $10-$100, depending on the course. When the student finishes, they either get all the money back or they get a percentage back. Then the student has something to lose, and will be sure to put more effort into the course and make people really think before signing up.

Comment They Used Water to Wet the Sand (Score 2) 202

Rolling the stones as huge cylinders would've been cool but they used water to wet the sand, which reduced friction. There's even some hieroglyphs that show it being done. Was big news back in the spring. See:

Comment Re:Wouldn't Hold Up in Court (Score 1) 376

I think the example I gave above, along with the questions it raises about the "evidence" against me, would be easy enough for any non-technical minded jury to grasp. Those questions, really make it clear that anybody could've done it. Basically, if there's just 3 people who had access to my internet account, then the likelyhood of any single individual being the one who did it, is only 33%, not 100% or even 50%. Therefore, it's more unlikely that said individual downloaded the copyrighted material, than it is likely they did it.

By the time the prosecution gets a search warrant to comb through all the files on all the devices, the downloaded copyrighted material could have been moved to another device or hard drive. If they finds signs that it existed on one of the devices & no longer exists, the defendant can claim they downloaded the file but it wasn't what they wanted or that they decided not to keep it, so they deleted it. That wouldn't be much different than buying something from Walmart & returning it to get your money back. Even better, it's like a thief who walks out of a store with something, but then returns it to the shelf before anyone busts him. Even if he's noticed on security camera's after the fact, they can't legally make you pay for something you're not keeping or using.

So the case against an individual is so weak that even preponderance isn't really a problem. In fact, it just wouldn't be worth the money it costs to try to fight it in court. For argument's sake though, imagine Rightscorp & the ISP's did allow cases like these to be brought to court and they win a lot of them. The moment ONE of them ends with the defendant being innocent, it creates a precedent. That'd be their worst nightmare, and they do NOT want to risk that happening. The gig would be up, forever.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
