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Comment Re:That sounds cool (Score 1) 69

It is interesting, no doubt. It also sounds like a great way to introduce bugs if one is writing code based on statistical suggestions instead of actually knowing WTF you are calling and understanding it.

I might just be curmudgeon; but I'm already frustrated everyday by supporting younger developers without the drive or ability to research, experiment, and solve problems themselves rather than asking for help for something that one can solve in minutes with a simple web search or critical eye.

This sounds like a useful tool that will only exacerbate the problem.

Comment Re:Email is a lost cause (Score 1) 337

Same here. I host my own personal/vanity domain. I have a static ip, but it doesn't reverse DNS to my domain. I can send to nearly everybody. I think o365 flagged it once and I had to click a link to verify domain with them. I send to gmail all the time without an issue. I haven't had a problem with getting spammed either.

Comment Re:Electric shock treatment (Score 0) 98

These are outdated beliefs.

Many studies have shown that sugar does not any noticeable affect on kids with ADHD; but rather only affect the parents' view of their kids behavior.

And caffeine actually helps with concentration for people with ADHD. My 8yr old has Inattentive ADHD and the days where he has a little coffee before school are the days he does his best.

Comment treat all systems as if they are production (Score 4, Insightful) 86

"These messages were intended only for prototypes, he said"

This is why you always treat data in test and devel systems as if it was a production or a demo system.

It is not good when you are demoing to a customer and they login with a test account and are greeted with the message, "Welcome back, Big Asshole."

Comment Re:Premise is wrong. (Score 1) 114

"Regarding monopoly status, I'm sure every business person wants to dominate their market. "Dominate", for the companies I've worked for, means have something like 60% market share or greater. That's get-a-book-written-about-you territory. I don't think anyone thinks they have a realistic shot of a 90+% market share, any more than anyone thinks they have a realistic shot of playing in the National Hockey League. Sure, you can try but you really ought to have a plan B."

It depends on the market size. In a niche market 90% is definitely doable, especially if you are the one to recognize the need early and get entrenched to the point where any possible competitors would have to invest too much money to make it worthwhile.

Comment Here is a few on kindle unlimited (Score 1) 255

Weaving Man: Book One of The Prophecy Series

Unsouled (Cradle Book 1)

Grizzly Killer: The Making of a Mountain Man

30,000 B.C. Chronicles: Bordeaux

Earth Fall: Invasion

Teeth Of The Sea

The Jakarta Pandemic: A Pandemic Survival Thriller

Cartel: A Jason King Thriller

Historical Fiction:
Longbow (The Saga of Roland Inness Book 1)

Comment Re:Wow is Larry ever tired of being wrong? (Score 1) 253

It really sounds like you need better developers working on the sql server projects, seriously. I've got services running on hundreds of various sql server installs; pushing through many millions of records every day and nobody has those problems you mentioned yearly let alone multiple times a week.

Comment Re:Holy Fucking Shit. No One Saw That Coming. (Score 1) 49

That slack POS is such a pig of resources that I don't believe that anybody actually productive uses the damn thing. We tried it out for less than a month after AIM finally ended; and quickly moved onto using a jabber server instead. Hell, its not like they hid its true purpose which is to slack off and waste time. Throw it in the woods.

Comment Re:News? (Score 2) 236

Coding isn't royalty based. Even for closed source applications. I would get paid for my time doing development, now if my code makes the company a Billion Dollars I don't expect to be paid any portion of that, because I had already agreed to be paid for my time.

Yes it can be. I earn royalties on a handful of closed source applications I've worked on. Yes, I put in a lot of extra unpaid work during the devel process of all of them; but it has paid off handsomely over the years. Some of them are 10yrs old, still being maintained and I still get my royalties.

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