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Comment Re:Only *my* kind of small/big government (Score 1) 773

Yes, I agree that libertarian idealism is naive and unworkable. I wouldn't want a libertarian in office who is making decision based his view of an ideal world. I'm not a libertarian, just a conservative who favors smaller government. Libertarians tend to take this concept to an extreme which makes all conservatives look bad.

Comment Re:Broken? More like fixed. (Score 1) 773

Those are all tough examples.

Social security is good for America, but almost certainly "unconstitutional" (if you are one of those people who reads the Constitution extremely narrowly, and I am not one of those people).

I read it literally with the assistance of reading literature from that time to gain context on what the Founders meant. Even though they were not perfect, it is a travesty to act as if the Constitution is a living document and to just adapt our interpretations at convenience.

The War on Drugs is bad for America, but unquestionably constitutional (interstate commerce). I wish it were unconstitutional, but it is not.

To claim the War on Drugs is completely constitutional would involve making an extremely broad interpretation of the interstate commerce clause. If I grow weed in my house, and my state allows this, what business does the Federal government have in coming in and arresting me? Because my weed might somehow enter into the national economy, even if I am only cultivating a small amount for personal consumption? I do not see this as constitutional at all. The Federal government only has the right to step in if the state wants assistance or if the drugs are being transferred across state lines (directly) and this can be proven.

The War on Terror is a hollow phrase, but generally the actions taken are constitutional (war powers).

I don't consider tapping citizens' phones without warrants (or rubber stamped warrants), holding American citizens indefinitely, or stripping citizens' rights (and soon their citizenship) to be constitutional.

The Constitution doesn't mention big business or the military industrial complex, but I'll happily join you in saying those are bad for America. Still, they aren't unconstitutional.

Here are a few examples of things the US government is doing that are unconstitutional and/or bad for America

Comment Re:Only *my* kind of small/big government (Score 1) 773

Protecting and enforcing the values upon which the nation was founded does not require massive micro management.

(emphasis mine)

That does mean bringing back slavery, as slavery was a core institution at the time the US were founded. Too often people say "but it's not in the constitution!" either as a knee-jerk reaction or as a weak attempt to say that something is not permissible. How about instead of talking about the constitution all the time we have a real debate?

What bugs me is that so much of the so-called "states rights" movement is nothing more than a series of pick-and-choose ideas. We don't want federal programs (except Medicare! And agricultural subsidies! And small-business loans!) We don't want the federal government involved in schools (but we want school prayers! And no evolution!) We don't want environmental regulations (but now the Louisiana governor wants the government involved in cleaning the oil spill!) And on and on and on... The constant whining for small government has little credibility anymore.

Uh, just because some people arguing for small government are hypocrites does not make all of us hypocrites and doesn't wash away our arguments.

Comment Re:Broken? More like fixed. (Score 3, Insightful) 773

Make it easy for us. List exactly what the US government is now doing, that you think is a) against the Constitution b) bad for America For example, is Social Security bad for America? Or how about the Civil Rights bill, including the forced desegration of privately owned public services? Or how about NASA - that's definitely not in the Constitution. There's a lot of people who are pretty vague about what they mean, when they say "as the founders originally intended".

Is Social Security bad for America? I wouldn't say so, but whether or not it is Constitutional is debatable.

Here are a few examples of things the US government is doing that are unconstitutional and/or bad for America:

The War on Marijuana

The War on Terror (not fighting terrorism, but eroding our rights and trampling the Constitution

Selling out to big business

The military industrial complex

Just a few.

Comment Re:The first movie (Score 1) 861

Quite a few. The first DVD collection I bought what the Godfather. I basically bought all the memorable ones. And yes, I purchased these without hesitating because I knew that I enjoyed them.

I probably wouldn't have bought any of them if I would have never pirated them. Aside from the really shitty movies that I felt were a waste of my time, I've bought or rented most of the movies I pirated and enjoyed enough to remember.

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