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Submission + - Weather.com Holds Toughest Weather City Tournament (weather.com)

Yeknomaguh writes: Weather.com has been holding a tournament for the city with the toughest weather. The final two contenders, Fargo, ND and Bradford, PA, have cleaned up so far and now Facebook users from both cities are launching campaigns to tell everyone why they have the toughest city!

Comment Re:Not so scared of Army control (Score 1) 217

Generally speaking, no. The military of Egypt has always been a semi-autonomous force in the country mainly concerned with protecting the country itself and not getting caught up in politics. Military control in the interim is a much better alternative than Suleiman (the VP) or anyone from the DNP (all of which were essentially placed there by Mubarak).

Comment Re:Not so scared of Army control (Score 5, Informative) 217

Tired of this rhetoric. The Muslim Brotherhood is not as influential player in the region as fox news would have you believe. Nor are they a terrorist group or extremist group bent on anything other then the common goals of the revolutionaries. This just in, Islam is not the new Communism.

Comment That "Worried" Blogger is FUD (Score 5, Informative) 217

According to my Egyptian friends and from common knowledge of the region, the people in general are not against a military run country in the interim between dictatorship and democracy. It assures stability while also assuring that things are changing. The culture of Egypt is very intertwined with the military, almost every family has at least one person actively serving, so when they chant "The military and the people are one" they aren't being selective as to exactly who in the military they're talking about. The military up to this point was already seen and acted as an unbiased arbitrator not influenced by politics. As has been stated, they are there to protect Egypt and the people of Egypt and will not spill Egyptian blood. They're probably the very best group to hold the country together in the potentially long process of redrafting a constitution and instituting a democratic system.

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