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Comment Re: Then maybe stop collecting data? (Score 0) 59

Obviously, now that the harm is done, close the faucet so that it cannot be further used for undo whatever harm can be done. And they couldn't have it well because they had to hide that the generator code was not theirs, the layout/page/concept/idea was not theirs, the need was not theirs, the name was not theirs and the marketing strategy was not theirs!! But who will understand that collecting data off people is possible for the first time in history and we don't know what would.come out of it?

Comment Re: about time and not a moment too soon (Score 0) 100

Bravo to the USA!! My tool could do that but the announcement online in the groups was erased! The base doc stolen. No code but it is hands on, run! So who do you say got this one? I was more interested in finding and coding explosive reactions and experiments before anyone would try empirically... but essentially a discovery tool/systematizer. Sorry, I d have a LOT OF SUSPICIONS abit those authors... Anyway, can still be reproduced trivially, just need the angle...

Comment Re: I'm surprised (Score 0) 302

I m not sure, it seems from here like a ratification but they may be getting slanted arguments so if they had been given literal facts their decision would have been another... If the Sun is throwing flares because he doesn't see it that bad, be optimistic, get some warmth... we ll we be basking in the Sun more from now on with this decision? Puff...

Comment Re: Everyone knows what Facebook is by now. (Score 0) 90

They don't need to apologize... They need to _compensate_!!! I now all the excuses now: capital, expertise, contacts, work (effort)... Excuses! None of it justifies taking the code as owned, and now I am actually suffering the mass of people who actually got money off them, instead of the people who ought to have benefited and now find in dubious accounts in tweeter! Not to count that their bad programming of newbie robbers DID break all contact between my mother and I!! From direct Skype party to where in HELL is the chat post where I kept my mother s phone...??!? in a few weeks! I can only say imbeciles, federal police did nothing to find my missing people, but they enjoying a get league and the money I could have used to find HER. See how they did not come up with a space program, their own chips, labs, chemical patents, satellites... Nothing, only bad programming and worse operations, and censorship. And they can't realize they also obstructed sciences! Surprise, I came up with more than one billionaire business in the meantime, but no way to hold on to my computers with so corrupt police department and no one wanting to pay attention. So the theorem holds, they have to substract all the missing business I ve experienced since, plus they were not entitled to the income they (think they) created, AND then they d be owing ALSO all the business they could have come up with ALONE, without taking someone else s business plans and SOFTWARE CAPITAL!!! Blockchains, they did not see them? It was also among the code they took, undeveloped. And I still have to learn who was behind the whole mockery operation, I think they managed to involve people of my family who didn't know. Automatic reprisals and fake anonymous celebrities (sic). No wonder they were flocking out to exotic countries... I no longer see ubiquitious stickers with the f on them, like when I was forced to subscribe to open a news site for reading. My profile is still there? My access was lost with the last set out of 55 computers from me since, waiting for new laptops to try to recover the password and see if there is any trace of my mother. They ve been the BEST EVER entrance for Islam to override Occident.

Comment Re: It's still a wild west (Score 0) 74

It only means lots of lots of cheap chips into the trashcan. You think you found a bargain until you see it is 2G or 3G boards (after reading pages of ad docs). This includes smartwatches, a bigger waste than just a bare board! Some decision makers did not consider it, but it is a disincentive when tech advances rendering everything behind obsolete and unusable. Plenty of space to have things that were working stop being useful because of capabilities you won't use! Beware luddites, they jumped onto the gun in imaginative ways...

Comment Re: Proof that there's too much stupid money afloa (Score 0) 98

Money is a strange thing, it actually slips out, a supercondensed superfluid. That s what allows this to happen (along increasing consumption efficiency as income Aerts). Funny I can't find the wikipedia pages for the physics, third time I look and docs changed again. So my monetary insights now rely on tweeter posts sparsely posted, and elsewhere. Are you jar-ed too?

Comment Re: No, that's China-style Social Score (Score 0) 220

Silly, as if there were no thieves and you could keep a consistent personality across time and devices and accounts. China would be a better solution here, they insist in being better Occidentals than OCCIDENT while we insist on being so civil we don't dare call beast and chase with sticks when a Prehistoric urinates or defecates in front of anyone in the streets of NYC (sic). We d a be better with strict identity, IMF lives in that ordered world? We don't, but credit score itself is a barbarism for the scared.

Comment Re: Yes & No (Score 0) 301

Damn idiots! They opened the profile then rejected my payment and returned the money. It is where I am finding all my cousins and a paywall to guarantee we are communicating, because some of those idiots did manage to steal social media original generators with police help and you can actually find the victims trying to get money off OnlyFans! Must be Africans and Muslims behind, not investors, you all are underestimating the worth of money and sex for those Prehistorics who prefer OTHER THINGS than money and sex they cannot comprehend and actually DISLIKE. Incommunicating and abusing people is MORE IMPORTANT to them, that s the land of muhaeedin, kamikaze, suicide bombers, etc, but we are so civilized... they can thread around speaking banalities and commonplaces like investors and growth while destroying the whole thing IN FAcT. Back to the alley pimp is convenient to them, because independent women is like anathema.

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