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Comment Re:Mixed-handedness (Score 3, Interesting) 260

I trained as a sniper long ago.I can shoot equally well either way.I can put a bullet where I want is up to a mile range without a scope.Any longer range using a scope,I'm definitely right handed.
I learned how to write left handed when I was in the first grade after my right hand was crushed by a home delivery milk truck in the early 1960s.Took forever to heal and I've kept it up.Drives the banks crazy because I sign the checks I write with either hand.Love messing with their heads.
My late Mother was left handed but was retrained to write right handed.My sister Terry is definitely a lefty.
Handedness may be hard wired but can be modified.I'm a prime example.

Comment Re:Mixed-handedness (Score 1) 260

Same Here.I write right handed but learned to drive left handed.Might be where I learned to drive on an old 1964 Ford Pickup with 3 on the Tree(3 Speed Column shift - Remember those?)When hardware hacking and typing,I use both hands equally well.Go Figure

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Comment Re:The Dilbert Way (Score 2) 292

LOL! I've actually had this happen.Guess what.The replacement turned out to be so incompetent that the client lost his ass.Then he wanted me to come back and try to repair the damage the replacement had done.By then,I had moved on to another job that paid much better.Told him"you made your bed,sleep in it"

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