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Comment Re:Rant (Score 1) 461

I hate playing devil's advocate but almost all the most successful billionaire CEOs are micro-managing sociopaths who scream out their orders, are arrogant dicks, and treat people like human garbage (i.e. Gates, Trump, etc).

I WISH that the perfect management world you described worked out that way! Believe me, I do!

Comment How about the glue and chemicals in carboard? (Score 2, Insightful) 329

Ummm... no.

Aren't there some terrible chemicals used in the processing of cardboard? Have you ever driven by one of these plants? It's not what I would call "environmentally friendly".

I mean, kudos for thinking out of the "box" but I think the idea needs work. A kid spills something on the top of the case and you're toast. For what people pay for a modern computer, they want it protected, safe from fire, and they want it to look nice.

Comment I'll tell you why we aren't spending on NASA (Score 1, Offtopic) 452

I'm NOT a Christian but I have to throw some logic here.

Islamic jihad is holding us back a hell of a lot more than any other religion on the planet.

You wanna find a bunch of people committing genocide on other Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheist? You want to find a truck load of suicide bombers who would kill innocent people for a chance at virgin orgies in the afterlife (where they call for our death by 10's of thousands)? You want to find the most backward people on the planet whom the vast majority have no running water, electricity, no more than a 5th grade education, who are run by psycho imam extremists and dictators, and control the vast majority of oil on this planet? Look no further than the Middle East and Africa. It's the armpit of the world with a culture that contributes NOTHING to this planet other than the raw crude oil they pull out of the ground.

Wanna find a bunch of elitists who waste our money on these clowns, create wars with these idiots where we send our own people to their death to play police, who could give tax breaks to car manufacturers and those who use alternative energies (and would create jobs) but choose to do nothing, and completely sell out to these losers? Look at Washington and corporate multinational big oil where the dollar means more to these sacks of excrement than human life.

That just needed to be said.

Comment Re:Evil. (Score 1, Insightful) 390

Yes, I agree. It's evil and it's patent trolling, plain and simple.

It's just amazing the number of people who rabidly defend Google, yet if Microsquat did the same thing, they would foam at the mouth twice as hard for the opposite reason. Google is becoming more and more like Microsoft and denial never prevented reality... plus they have the most complete database on users in all of history.

Not wise to blindly defend and trust based on bias.

Comment 5 Reasons (Score 0) 712

1. Companies make more money when slowing down innovation to a trickle and pacing features for sales.

2. Sue crazy people, lawyers, and judges who attempt to create law from the bench (especially "intellectual property rights").

3. In general, people's values are shifting to entertainment over principle (i.e. American Idol and "reality television") with entertainers, sports figures, and rap stars from prison making higher income than any researcher trying to find a cure for cancer, AIDS, or any other serious global problem.

4. Mass production quality has decreased.

5. Increases in extremely poor management and a lack of understanding of how technology actually works. Deadlines are set by random whims or customer promises by those involved in sales with little knowledge of their product or technology in general.

Comment Palm Pre Android Port (Score 0) 745

My Palm Pre already runs an interface that looks like Andriod.


Why would I want to switch? It's Linux, I can root the phone, it outshines the iPhone, has a ton of homebrew apps and games (most are free), awesome display, it can multitask, and the hardware is awesome.

As a side note, wouldn't it be nice if you could buy any cell phone and choose the provider you wanted. Instead, they lock it down to a phone and this has been the #1 reason for the 'Google phone's' failure.

Comment History repeats itself... (Score 0) 116

IBM is collecting our data again. I wonder why I don't trust them? "During the rise of Nazi Germany and the onset of World War II, IBM had relationships and contracts with the German military/industrial technocracy. IBM's punch card machines were used by Germany to keep track of people who were to be subjected to the Holocaust ... IBM and its German subsidiary custom-designed complex solutions, one by one, anticipating the Reich's needs." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_IBM

Apple Says iPhone Jailbreaking Could Hurt Cell Towers 495

AHuxley writes "Apple suggests that the nation's cellphone networks could be open to 'potentially catastrophic' cyberattacks by iPhone-using hackers at home and abroad if iPhone owners are permitted to legally jailbreak their wireless devices. The Copyright Office is currently considering a request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation to legalize the widespread practice of jailbreaking. Apple has responded to the request by saying that if the 'baseband processor' software — which enables a connection to cell phone towers — is exposed, then a user could crash the tower software, or use the Exclusive Chip Identification number to make calls anonymously. Apple also thinks its closed business model is what made the iPhone a success. The Vodafone scandal from a few years back showed how a network could be compromised, but that was from within. So, what do you think? Is Apple playing the 'evil genius' hacker card or can 'anyone' with a smartphone and a genius friend pop a US cell tower?"

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