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Comment Re:It's the tragedy of the commons (Score 1) 167

just as people are whining that they don't make pop music the way they used to, so we're starting to see that with the reporting of the news.

This has all been discussed ad naseum. What's new to add, to discover? Naught. WTF: To recapitulate. Add value. The freaking NY Times is chock full of value; believe it or not, weeks, months before an issue of tactic, strategy, tech, business is broached here on the dot it has been purviewed in the Times from a holistic perspective. But with depth of thought, breadth of perspective, or profundity of consequence unlike the boilerplate tropes my compadres here rapid fire rattle off.

And in this `new world' of free (gratis, no) news, cratered publishers, if shit rules the day then a market for quality news will rise anew. WTF redux.*sigh* The market, man, it works, it's just a lot of old dudes, entrenched dudes panicking: re-mobilize your business plans! Fin.

Comment monkey fucker (Score 1) 276

-2nd try-

> If [the UK can] extradite to the US for breaking US law
> outside the US ...

why are alleged double rapist Julian Assange, and the world-media* insisting that UK's extradition action is proxy extradition via Sweden to USA---when the UK can do that itself---if---it---wanted?! Hmmm?

* Assange overtly, the latter by omission and implication.

Comment Re:Absurd (Score 1) 276

>If [the UK can] extradite to the US for breaking US law >outside the US ... ... why are alleged double rapist Julian Assange, and the world-media* insisting that UK's extradition action is proxy extradition via Sweden to USA---when the UK can do that itself---if---it---wanted?! Hmmm?

* Assange overtly, the latter by omission and implication.

Comment Re:Absolutely amazed by this decision (Score 1) 385

> we ... have sleepwalked into allowing games
> companies to get away with ... this.

D00d, you are not paying attention, and neither are your fellow enablers---sorry---respectfully. Here on /. we've been reading about this $gameco scam for years. You can't seem to give up the gameco pussy! And they blueball your ass at will, 'cause they can.

Comment Re:Make phones like laptops (Score 1) 355

> If the vast majority of people were only able to buy
> laptops via their ISP

People are willing to buy their own laptops. People are not willing to buy their own smartphones. People also are unwilling to do simple arithmetic to discover their total cost of ownership, and/or are deluded-in, desperate-for the usurious interest rate they are paying for what is a loan-shark transaction. You make-what-you-get, and then you-live-with-it.

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