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Comment its and about spying and national security (Score 3, Interesting) 168

The reason that india, Oz and the US blocked using chinese core networking equipment is because that don't have access to the firmware or can check that what they are told is the firware really is what is burned into the hardware.

Also they can have other dedicated stuff in the hardware that n one would know about.

so they worry that their core networks can be hacked by the chinese government.

this is why they are banned.

this is NOT a solution though. We have to leanr to co-operate.
The ONLY way that these types of crazy situation can be fixed is by social and democratic change world wide


Comment Re:Linked Data anyone? (Score 1) 357

i agree. Ted's project is similar.
The link data project and the RDF and SparSql aspects are highly useful IF they can get it all open source and get people using it.
because its part of the W3C it has a good chance of gong somewhere.

There are some Gui toolits based on top of it too now. There is a nice demo here.

Comment Re:No, Nelson's vision sucks. (Score 1) 357

ah money and greed getting in the way of civilised progress again.

I was just thinking that the whole problem with Xanada would be that information is in Silos, and they like it that way so that you can charge money to get access to those silos.

DITA open toolkit if similar in some ways and fully open.

Comment sithis is similar to single sourcing (Score 1) 357

Single Sourcing is a term in the publishing industry that allows you to repurpose content. To do it you hold the content in small parts and then compose it.
This guys system could be based easily on the single sourcing open source code base.
It is designed to run in a browser too.

The end result is a open document format
There is also webODF which loads open documents into the browser and render them using plain html5, javascript and heavy use of css.

The 3D aspects of navigating from an Open document to see all its links could be done using the CSS transforms perhaps.

I think his idea is create, and you can choose to see the finsihed docuemtn OR the 3D linsk version. SO best of both world.

Comment Re:I'd host it if.... (Score 1) 586

It would be good is a virtualBox VM all set-up and secure with the private replication key was made available.
With setting instructions. This would make it much easier for people to host a mirror, knowing it was secure.

Also it could be optimised to the bare minimum needed to do the serving and replication and nothing else.

Comment Re:Plus. (Score 1) 297

what a load of bollocks.

1. He went to MS, because he know Google have a Social Network in the wings waiting to be launched. So he had no choice expect MS or Yahoo.
2. He did it now because he knows that google will have this style of search functionality as a bare minimum, and so he has to try to competee against the coming asteriod that will be googel Social.
3. He probably got a kick back from MS fro doing it. MS often do deals like this with kickbacks for the other party.

4. Oh and he is a bit of an A*&%#hole from what i hear

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