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Comment Confused (Score 1) 424

I'm confused, I mean obviously this is bad, but what exactly will it mean? As far as I can tell after having read the article and the AACS page on WP, all I can say fo certain is that this means we will have to use HDMI cables connectors etc etc or do it illegally via SD or other. So could someone explain this to me a little better?

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 1324

And you're ok with that system are you? Since when did it become the government's right to tell you if you know what's best for your own children? Given the education system in the UK if/when I have children I would at the least discuss it with my wife, since I believe I could do a just as good a job if not better one of educating them.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 1324

I suppose you are right, but still if someone merely doesn't want their child to learn something they don't want, they should have the option to home school them. Generally however, yes it is some religious nutter. I remember watching a show in the UK about a family of Jehova's witnesses or something that homeschooled their kids because they believe everyone else is satan or something retarded, but I think the reason for them being on TV was that their daughter of 14 or something wanted to go to school, since her parents barely let any of them out at all, which IS wrong.

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